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[September Theme Report 2023] US-EU Task Force created to assist EU in improving its energy security - Tara Malhotra

by Tara Malhotra | 30-09-2023 11:14 recommendations 1

Tara Malhotra
September Theme Report 2023

US-EU Task Force created to assist EU in improving its energy security

Report regarding ¡°Energy Security¡±

Energy security is becoming a more topical subject on an international level as fossil fuels continue to exacerbate global warming. Furthermore, global leaders are beginning to hold meetings regarding sustainable energy and methods to improve its accessibility.

A prime example of a global initiative to promote energy security is the United States (US) and European Union (EU) Task Force on Energy Security. On March 25, 2022, United States President Joe Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen held a meeting to discuss the future of energy security in Europe. Their plan focused on sustainability and creating a proposition for the European Union to manage its energy independently. This included achieving energy security without depending on Russia, utilizing natural gas (compared to more polluting fossil fuels) as a sustainability transition method, and aiming to eventually decrease and potentially eliminate the need for natural gas.

The International Energy Agency refers to energy security as the continuous accessibility of energy at a reasonable cost. Energy security is important because it allows people to support their lives and daily activities. It also contributes to countries¡¯ economic growth by strengthening various industries and increasing the speed of distributing goods and services. Without energy security, the cost of energy can increase, making it unattainable for people around the world to continue with their work, communication methods, etc. 

The United States and European Union are trying to meet the goals of the 2015 United Nations Paris Agreement, which aimed to have net zero emissions by 2050 along with restricting temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius (34.7 degrees Fahrenheit). To meet these objectives, the US-EU Task Force on Energy Security created an information interaction platform to report on their use of energy and steps taken toward more sustainable energy sources.

The Task Force also revolved around liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is mostly composed of methane, a polluting greenhouse gas. According to the European Federation for Transport and Environment, LNG production and delivery can release methane into the atmosphere due to transportation factors. This methane then traps more warmth in the atmosphere and worsens global warming. The Task Force was aware of this and covered this topic at their annual meeting on March 10, 2023, promising to decrease the amount of methane leaks from LNG through improved LNG infrastructure. However, the Task Force did not condemn the use of LNG beyond certain leak restrictions and will continue to export LNG between the US and EU.

Following their update meeting in 2023, the US-EU Task Force on Energy Security determined that their efforts showed signs of success. Both the EU and the US White House reported that the EU had been relying less on energy from Russia while also converting parts of its fossil fuel usage to natural gas. The EU also decreased its demand for natural gas throughout many industries. The US will continue to support the EU through the Task Force as both countries continue their journeys toward sustainable, accessible, and secure energy sources.

The flags of the United States and European Union.

The flags of the United States and European Union. Image courtesy of the United States Embassy and Consulates in Italy.

The flags of the United States and European Union.


  • United States Of America Former E-gen Ambassador Tara Malhotra
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Emmanuel  Dassah

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    It seems like the US-EU task force is trying hard to improve energy secutiry. Cooperration is key in a world so interconnected. Maybe the task force can include other countries around the world in the near future!
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 01-10-2023 16:57

SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    That's a wonderful article.
    Solidarity between countries is important for energy security, and in the meantime, it is important for countries to develop their ability to flexibly cope with changes in international circumstances through diversification of energy sources. Appreciate for this great article!
    Posted 30-09-2023 17:20

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