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Nuclear Energy as a Climate Savior? [September Thematic Report]

by Valentina Urbasova | 30-09-2023 22:42 recommendations 0

In April 2023, Oliver Stone's documentary film "Nuclear Now" was released, in which the director argues in favor of nuclear energy as the only way to prevent the climate crisis.

Stone's film focuses on two main arguments in favor of nuclear energy:

• Nuclear energy is low-carbon, making it a key tool in the fight against climate change. Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear power plants do not emit greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming.

• Nuclear energy is a reliable and sustainable source of energy. Nuclear power plants can operate 24/7, regardless of weather conditions or fluctuations in fuel prices.

Stone presents a number of arguments in support of these theses in his film. He talks about how nuclear energy has helped to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in countries such as France and Sweden. He also emphasizes that nuclear power is a safe and efficient way to generate electricity.

Stone's film has been met with mixed reactions. Some critics believe that it ignores or underestimates the potential risks of nuclear energy, such as accidents and environmental pollution. Others believe that the film is an important and timely reminder that nuclear energy can play a key role in the fight against climate change.

My opinion

I believe that Stone's film is an important and timely discussion of the future of nuclear energy. Stone correctly points out that nuclear energy is a low-carbon and reliable alternative to fossil fuels. However, I also believe that it is important to consider the potential risks of nuclear energy.

I believe that nuclear energy can be part of the solution to the climate crisis, but only if strict measures are taken to ensure the safety and sustainability of nuclear power plants. These measures should include:

• Improvement of nuclear reactor safety technologies

• Construction of new nuclear power plants in remote areas where the risk of accidents is lower

• Investments in the development of new nuclear energy technologies that will be safer and more efficient

I hope that the discussion started by Stone's film will lead to the development of nuclear energy in a safer and more sustainable way. This will allow us to use nuclear energy to address the climate crisis without putting the environment and human health at risk.

Image source: Abramorama / YouTube

Abramorama / YouTube

Valentina Urbasova

  • Russia Former E-gen Ambassador Valentina Urbasova
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hello, I'm mentor Sanghyeon.
    I think nuclear power is probably a double-edged sword given to mankind. I agree with your opinion that you wrote in the article.
    Thank you for the good article!
    Posted 29-10-2023 22:28

Emmanuel  Dassah

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    <Nuclear Now> sounds like an interesting documentary! Nuclear energy certainly has its advantages like low carbon emission and reliability. However, there are still many problems we need to overcome such as nuclear waste disposal. Let's hope that <Nuclear Now> can help raise awareness on this issue and boost research on this area.
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 01-10-2023 18:26

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