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September free report

by Aidana Moldahanova | 01-10-2023 01:48 recommendations 0

We, the people of Kazakhstan, are blessed to call this vast and diverse land our home. From the endless steppes to the majestic mountains and pristine waters, our country is a treasure trove of natural beauty. But with this beauty comes a great responsibility—to protect and preserve the land that sustains us.

In Kazakhstan, we are surrounded by unique and precious wonders. The Saiga antelope, with its distinctive appearance, roams freely in our grasslands. Along our coastlines, the Caspian seal plays in the waters of the world's largest enclosed sea. Our skies are painted with the flight of migratory birds, connecting us to distant lands. Our lakes and rivers provide not only sustenance but also a sense of wonder.

Yet, our beautiful land faces challenges. Overgrazing, deforestation, and habitat fragmentation threaten the very ecosystems that make Kazakhstan special. We must confront these challenges head-on, for the sake of our environment and our future.

We, the people of Kazakhstan, share a vision for a greener and more sustainable future. We dream of a time when our energy comes from the wind, the sun, and the water—clean sources that won't harm our land or our health. By 2030, we aim to make this dream a reality, reducing our carbon footprint and creating opportunities for a brighter future.

As guardians of this land, we have set aside special places like the Altai Tavan Bogd National Park and the Ile-Alatau National Park to safeguard our natural treasures. We are working hand in hand with international organizations like the United Nations Development Programme and the World Wildlife Fund, as well as our local communities, to ensure that these special places remain pristine.

This journey is not one we take alone; it's a journey we take together. It's a journey that invites all of us, from all corners of Kazakhstan, to come together and protect the land we love. Our shared stories, ideas, and efforts will determine whether our beautiful country remains a haven of natural wonders for generations to come.

In Kazakhstan, our land is not just a place we call home; it's a part of who we are. Our commitment to environmental stewardship is not a choice—it's our duty to the land and to each other. Let's work together, hand in hand, to ensure that Kazakhstan's natural beauty remains a source of pride and wonder for us, our children, and the world. Together, we can create a future where nature thrives, and our nation stands as a shining example of environmental responsibility.

Kazakhstan beautyKazakhstan travelKazakhstan


  • Kazakhstan Former E-gen Ambassador Aidana Moldahanova
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hello, I'm your mentor, Sanghyeon.
    As you wrote in the article, we need to know that we are part of nature, not nature-using beings.
    Thank you for the good article!
    Posted 29-10-2023 22:36

Emmanuel  Dassah

  • Emmanuel Dassah says :
    Thank you for the insight shared
    Posted 05-10-2023 11:33

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    Your last paragraph really moves my heart! designating national parks is a great way to protect the environment, but what really matters is what we do as individuals to save the planet.
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 01-10-2023 19:44

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