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[September Theme Report] Energy Security

by Jayden Kim | 01-10-2023 06:21 recommendations 0

The US is one of the largest importers of oil from the Middle East. Unfortunately, the US have been in return giving billions if not trillions of dollars and military equipment to the middle east, and have been basically relying on Middle Eastern countries to provide them oil. In Recent years since COVID-19, Gas prices have shot up in price, some areas reaching nearly 6 to 7 dollars a gallon, being a huge problem in the US. Not only that, but the Trump presidency attempted to allow new oil pipes to be able to go through the US such as the Keystone XL, the longest oil pipe that goes from Canada to the US, causing a huge environmental hazard as it caused many leaks and were harming Native American landsite and the nature due to its leaks. 

However, in recent years, Biden has been able to shut down the production of Keystone XL after years and years of protest, saving the country from becoming potentially more and more reliable in oil. 

For America to become more energetically sustainable and increase energy security, we need to become less reliable on Middle Eastern countries. Middle Eastern country is a controversy itself, but the environmental hazard makes it 3 times the controversy. 2nd of all, we need to become more energy sustainable. Electric vehicle is the future of the world and may become the savior to our reliance on oil and to increase energy security. More production of EV (electric vehicles) and less production of Gas vehicles will be the easiest way we can in fact become more secure. Other ways such as more sun panels, wind powered farms, etc to reduce our oil intake and fossil fuel usage. 

Pic credits: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4521934-us-energy-independence-and-global-implications-for-energy-security 



  • United States Of America Youth Jayden Kim
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hello, I'm your mentor, Sanghyeon.
    Reducing energy dependence on other countries is the first step toward energy security.
    Thank you for the good article!
    Posted 29-10-2023 22:44

Emmanuel  Dassah

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hi, this is mentor Seeun.
    Wow, shutting down the production of Keystone XL certainly is a milestone. I didn't know that even the US was dependent on other countries in the middle east. Maybe I'll try to find out more about this topic.
    Thank you for the great report!
    Posted 01-10-2023 20:26

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