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[September Theme Report]

by Vani Miglani | 11-10-2023 23:38 recommendations 0

Energy security is a pressing concern for India, a nation which is in the midst of rapid development and surging energy demand. The challenge lies in ensuring that energy needs are met in a reliable, affordable, and sustainable manner. India's energy landscape is characterized by a significant reliance on imports for key resources, including over 80% of its oil and more than 50% of its natural gas. This dependence exposes the nation to price volatility and potential supply disruptions, making energy security a top priority.

One of the technical issues contributing to India's energy security challenge is its glaring inefficiency in energy use. India's energy efficiency metrics are among the lowest in the world, signifying that the country consumes more energy than necessary for the production of goods and services. Enhancing energy efficiency across all sectors of the economy is imperative to reduce wastage and bridge the energy security gap.

In addition to inefficiency, the country faces a significant deficit in energy infrastructure investment. To meet its energy demand, the country requires substantial investments in power generation, transmission, and distribution. Unfortunately, India struggles with an investment gap in the energy sector, hindering its ability to establish a robust and resilient energy supply system. Addressing this investment shortfall is critical to shoring up energy security.

India's transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources is yet another crucial aspect of its energy security strategy. Diversifying energy sources can reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. This could entail scaling up the deployment of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power while also exploring options like nuclear power and natural gas. By embracing a diverse energy mix, we can not only bolster its energy security but also contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Developing smart grid technologies can facilitate the seamless integration of renewables into the grid, enhancing energy reliability and efficiency. Smart grids enable real-time monitoring, control, and optimization of energy distribution, contributing to energy security.

Moreover, India must embrace clean energy technologies, such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), to mitigate the environmental impact of its energy sector. 

Improved energy security will also have a number of positive downstream impacts, such as reducing India's vulnerability to external economic shocks, improving its air quality, and creating new job opportunities.
In a nutshell, India's energy security is essential for its continued economic growth and social development.

1. International Energy Agency. (2023). India Energy Outlook 2023.
2. World Bank. (2022). India Energy Sector Assessment: Strategy for a Sustainable Energy Future.
3. Council on Energy, Environment and Water. (2022). India Energy Security Outlook 2047.


  • India Youth Vani Miglani
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hi, it's your mentor SH.
    I think improving energy efficiency is one of the most important factor!
    Thanks for this article :)
    Posted 29-10-2023 23:11

Melissa Menlah Adu


Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    Developing smart grid technology, and CCS technologies is certainly a wtart to a greener future. Improving energy efficiency also seems like a good plan!
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 14-10-2023 01:04

Bimochan Pathak

Emmanuel  Dassah

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