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October Free Report: Land pollution

by Jayden Kim | 01-11-2023 13:27 recommendations 0

In America, the most important factor that we think of pollution is especially pollution from trash. Especially in the United States landfill sites, the number one pollution or type of gas you do not want is methane gas. Methane gas can come from a lot of stuff such as deteriorated organic food, waste etc. The problem with methane gas is that it is way significantly long lasting think than carbon dioxide as it absorbs the suns heat 84 times more than carbon dioxide. Methane can also seep into the land and furthermore cause more land pollution and actually make the land unusable for future use. 

Methane gas is also produced from the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, wood, and etc. The most important factor that America is focusing on currently is to reduce are fossil fuel usage and instead use energy such as a wind solar and hydrogen. We must protect our atmosphere and the only way we do that is reduce our desire to be efficient or desire to become wealthy and comfortable instead use energy that is green and sustainable and not depleting and polluting.

As America is the leader in such a deep productions and also a leader and reasonable energy production, America must furthermore inspire other countries the same by creating more sustainable technology and reducing our fossil fuel usage. The EPA must regulate companies factories firms or any type of business that one extrapolate and use fossil fuels more than what is a allowed and actually attempt to find a loophole to not using or practicing the sustainable way.


Methane gas in landfill


  • United States Of America Youth Jayden Kim
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    I love this article. America must lead by example and inspire others to follow suit. Regulatory measures by organizations like the EPA are crucial for achieving this goal. Great job!
    Posted 06-11-2023 23:17

Melissa Menlah Adu

  • Melissa Menlah Adu says :
    Reducing methane emissions and transitioning to sustainable energy sources are crucial steps in preserving our environment for future generations.good job👏
    Posted 02-11-2023 09:48


Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    Landfills are as much of a problem as fossil fuels, and they produce methane gas as well. Pollution Leo seeps into the soil and nearby water streams, making them unusable. Regulation is needed like you mantioned.
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 01-11-2023 21:09

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