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[November thematic report]: Sustainable Technology

by Minha Kyun | 25-11-2023 08:30 recommendations 0

One of the many goals of our current society is net-zero. Hence, for the past decades, hundreds of technologies have been invented each year in an attempt to slow down global warming. Some examples are sustainable phones, e-waste recycling, and green architecture. Although the technologies do contribute to the reduction of emissions, the process has to be done faster to match the speed of the energy we consume. Luckily, in November of 2023, Heirloom opened the first commercial plant in the US which directly pulls carbon dioxide from air. 

Heirloom Carbon Technologies is a start-up founded in 2020 that aims to produce a permanent carbon removal storage. Their first facility was built in California, US, which captures CO2 by using a simple chemistry: yielding of limestone when oxide binds with carbon dioxide. Heirloom speeds up this natural process to take in the CO2 in the air. One of the world¡¯s leading companies Microsoft has already signed a deal with them. 

However, there are some drawbacks to this carbon capturing technology. As of right now, it absorbs a maximum of 1000 tons of carbon dioxide per year, which is only a small portion of the carbon we use. Each year, a total of 230 million tons of carbon dioxide are used globally. Moreover, it is estimated that capturing a ton of carbon dioxide using this plant costs somewhere between $600 and $1000. This is a very costly price as it usually costs 15 to 130 dollars using other ways.  

With improvements, Heirloom¡¯s technology will grow into a more efficient and therefore well-used option for slowing global warming. Greener earth will potentially be within our reach thanks to the development of sustainable technologies. 



  • Canada Former E-gen Ambassador Minha Kyun
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Heirloom's innovative carbon removal plant shows promise, but cost and capacity challenges highlight the need for further advancements in sustainable technologies. Great job :)
    Posted 02-12-2023 15:17

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    Carbon capturing technology still has a long way to go, as the efficiency is still very low and costly. More research in the area will hopefully help overcome these drawbacks.
    Thank you for your report!
    Posted 28-11-2023 20:59

Melissa Menlah Adu

  • Melissa Menlah Adu says :
    The mention of Heirloom Carbon Technologies' pioneering approach in capturing carbon dioxide directly from the air presents a promising step towards addressing global warming. While acknowledging the current limitations, the report emphasizes the potential for improvement, signaling a path towards a greener Earth. The collaboration with major players like Microsoft underscores the significance of such initiatives in our collective pursuit of a more sustainable future.👍👍
    Posted 25-11-2023 13:06

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