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[November free report]: Benin young environment activists at the General College "Le Plateau" at Womey for an awareness campaign on plastic use.

by Samuel TOHOUEGNON | 29-11-2023 00:59 recommendations 1

Away from the screens this time, young Beninese committed to protecting the environment are spreading their activist wings in a school. 

On Wednesday November 22, 2023, we were at the Collège d'Enseignement Général 'Le Plateau' in Womey for an awareness-raising event against the use of plastic bags. I proudly took part in this initiative as a committed youth and one of the representatives of the African Youth Organization.

Our intervention focused on raising awareness among pupils in the classroom and meal vendors in the refectory. The experience was particularly rewarding, as evidenced by the interest shown by our target audience in the message we conveyed to them. 
A recurring question among the women was: "If you're asking us to stop using the non-biodegradable bags we have on hand, where can we find the biodegradable bags you recommend and at what price?". We expected this question 😀 aware that biodegradable bags are not yet as readily available as their non-biodegradable counterparts.

Equipped with signs bearing hard-hitting messages and armed with solid arguments, we met this challenge with flying colors. The session ended with the donation of garbage cans and baskets to the college, thus contributing to its sanitation efforts.

Satisfaction was shared, reinforcing our commitment to concrete action for a healthier environment.

I can't add images to my reports on the platform. Can anyone help?


  • Benin Former E-gen Ambassador Samuel TOHOUEGNON
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    I think the public awareness is one of the most important things for preserving our environment. Good report :)
    Posted 02-12-2023 15:28

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    You participated in a great campaign to raise awareness!
    As for the issue of not being able to add images, I'm afraid you'll have to contact ecogeneration@samsung.com and let them know about the problem.
    Thank you for the report!
    Posted 29-11-2023 15:29

Melissa Menlah Adu

  • Melissa Menlah Adu says :
    Was great keep up with the good works 👍👍
    Posted 29-11-2023 13:07



  • Samuel TOHOUEGNON says :
    I can't add images to my reports on the platform. Can anyone help?
    Posted 29-11-2023 00:59

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