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[December free report] The carbon footprint hidden behind every plastic bag: Let's act together for lasting change! 🌱

by Samuel TOHOUEGNON | 21-12-2023 02:33 recommendations 1

The carbon footprint hidden behind every plastic bag: Let's act together for lasting change! 🌱

Every plastic bag has an enormous environmental cost, from its creation to its disappearance. During its life cycle, from the process of extracting raw materials to its final use, this small object has a huge impact on our planet.
Its birth begins with non-renewable resources like oil or gas, requiring a lot of energy and producing harmful emissions.

Its journey from factory to store generates even more CO2 emissions, contributing to climate change.

🗑Often used just once, this bag takes hundreds of years to decompose, polluting our soil and water.

So how can we help reduce the pollution of our environment?

Our answer? Act now! Refuse single-use bags, adopt reusable alternatives and encourage retailers to change their practices in favor of more environmentally-friendly packaging. And above all, let's learn to put our garbage in the garbage cans.

Every little gesture counts in our fight to reduce the impact of plastic bags on our planet. With this in mind, the Millennium Fellowship has set up a campaign entitled "Zero Plastic Waste on Campus".

Young people living in Abomey - Calavi, students, managers and teachers at the University of Abomey-Calavi, passionate about environmental issues, you are invited to join us in preserving cleanliness and hygiene on our campus. 🌿💧

Together for the preservation of our environment. 



  • Benin Former E-gen Ambassador Samuel TOHOUEGNON
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Your powerful message highlights the hidden environmental cost of plastic bags, urging collective action for lasting change. It's time to act and encourage people to act!
    Posted 23-01-2024 13:27


Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    Great report introducing ways to reduce climate change!
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 25-12-2023 17:29

Melissa Menlah Adu

  • Melissa Menlah Adu says :
    Your emphasis on refusing single-use bags, adopting reusable alternatives, and promoting sustainable practices aligns with the urgent need for change.well written 👏👏👏
    Posted 22-12-2023 12:17


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