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Urbanization and Our Environment: Finding Balance for Better Cities [December Thematic Report]

by MUHAMMAD NUHAEL KABIR | 28-12-2023 00:32 recommendations 2

As cities grow and develop, they bring new opportunities but also challenges for our environment. In Bangladesh, like in many places around the world, urbanization has changed the way we live and interact with nature. It has led to issues like traffic jams, air pollution, and loss of wildlife habitats. However, there are ways we're working to make our cities more sustainable and friendly to both people and the environment. 

One big problem with cities getting bigger is traffic. More people moving in means more cars and buses on the roads, which can lead to heavy traffic and long waits. This not only makes it hard for people to get around but also adds to air pollution. To tackle this, cities are trying to improve public transportation, like buses and trains, and encourage people to walk or bike instead of always using cars. 

Air pollution is another big concern in cities. With so many vehicles and factories in one place, the air can get really dirty, which can make people sick. To fix this, cities are making rules about how much pollution cars and factories can make, and they're trying to use cleaner fuels. They're also planting more trees and creating parks to help clean the air and give people nice places to relax. 

As cities grow, they sometimes take over the homes of animals and plants. This means some animals lose their habitats and have to find new places to live, which can be hard for them. To help, cities are trying to set aside spaces for nature, like parks and green areas, where animals and plants can thrive. They're also building special paths for animals to move around safely, so they don't get hurt by cars or buildings. 

But it's not all bad news. Urbanization also gives us a chance to make our cities better for everyone. By building eco-friendly homes and offices, using energy more wisely, and growing food in the city, we can make cities greener and healthier. These changes not only help the environment but also make our cities more enjoyable places to live. 

In the end, while urbanization brings challenges, it also brings opportunities to make our cities more sustainable and pleasant for everyone. By working together and being mindful of how we build and live in our cities, we can create urban spaces that are good for both people and the planet. 

References :


05.Photo Taken From :https://i.unu.edu/media/ourworld.unu.edu-en/article/10771/Sick-Cities-A-Scenario-for-Dhaka-City.jpg
Urbanization and Its Impact on Bangladesh


  • Bangladesh Former E-gen Ambassador MUHAMMAD NUHAEL KABIR
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Oh, Bangladesh also faces urban challenges like traffic and pollution. Solutions include improving public transport, regulating emissions, preserving green spaces, and fostering eco-friendly practices for sustainable cities! Keep up this great work!
    Posted 26-01-2024 16:27

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    As I've always emphasized in my comments, balance is very important in order for us to sustain ourselves in the future. We must find a way to balance out the negative parts of urbanization.
    Thank you for your report!
    Posted 01-01-2024 16:51

Melissa Menlah Adu

  • Melissa Menlah Adu says :
    It saddens my heart anytime I read of situations like this.... thank you for the report.
    Posted 28-12-2023 11:55

Francisco Manuel

  • Francisco Manuel says :
    I hope that this situation can be resolved, and the peolple take new habits and custom to walk ou run than driver always car.
    Posted 28-12-2023 00:56

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