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Green Building in Bangladesh [January Thematic Report ]

by MUHAMMAD NUHAEL KABIR | 10-01-2024 00:03 recommendations 0

Forget towering skyscrapers of glass and steel – Bangladesh's green revolution is flourishing in factories clad in eco-friendly materials, powered by the sun, and breathing easy with natural ventilation. In this land of fertile plains and resilient spirit, a silent yet determined war against environmental degradation is being waged, brick by sustainable brick. 

Scarcity whispers louder than ever in Bangladesh. Water resources strain under the weight of a burgeoning population, and fossil fuels, a precious luxury, threaten to melt glaciers and fuel floods. Yet, amidst these challenges, blooms a remarkable defiance – a commitment to building a future where progress rhymes with sustainability. 

Enter the green building movement, a tide washing over Bangladesh's garment industry, the lifeblood of its economy. Gone are the days of energy-guzzling behemoths; instead, LEED-certified factories rise, boasting walls that soak up the sun's warmth for winter and channel cool breezes for summer. Rainwater dances down gutters, not just to drain, but to replenish thirsty gardens and quench the thirst of thirsty machines. 

These aren't isolated triumphs. Bangladesh boasts the highest number of LEED-certified garment factories in the world, seven titans of sustainability standing tall along the banks of the Meghna. The government, a silent cheerleader, applauds with the Green Building Rating System for Bangladesh (BEERIS), a roadmap for eco-conscious construction. 

But Bangladesh's ambition stretches beyond urban sprawls. In rural hamlets, tiny suns flicker to life – solar home systems beaming clean energy into homes once shrouded in darkness. Diesel pumps, spewing fumes of environmental destruction, whirr into silence, replaced by the gentle whisper of sun-powered irrigation. 

It's not just about technology, though. The Green School Project sows the seeds of sustainability in young minds, nurturing a generation that understands the language of eco-friendly living. Every child who plants a tree or learns to compost becomes a soldier in this green revolution. 

Of course, challenges remain. High initial costs whisper doubts in the ears of developers, and awareness, like a shy seedling, needs more sunlight. Financing still stumbles over hurdles, and regulations sometimes dance a hesitant jig. 

But Bangladesh, a nation that has stared down cyclones and poverty, isn't afraid of a good fight. Public-private partnerships are forging paths for green financing, while training programs hone the skills of eco-warriors in hard hats. Technology leaps across borders, bringing the best of the world to Bangladeshi soil. 

So, the next time you hear whispers of Bangladesh, think not just of bustling markets and vibrant saris, but also of towering testament to sustainable ambition. Bangladesh, the rising green giant of South Asia, is forging a future where progress and the planet walk hand in hand, proving that in the face of adversity, even the smallest nation can bloom into a beacon of hope for the world. 

References :





05 .Photo Taken From :https://www.thethirdpole.net/content/uploads/2023/04/20230412_Buildings-covered-with-green-plants-in-Rangpur-Bangladesh_Abir-Abdullah_Climate-Visuals-Countdown.jpg
Green Building In Bangladesh


  • Bangladesh Former E-gen Ambassador MUHAMMAD NUHAEL KABIR
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hi, this is mentor SH! Your eloquent depiction of Bangladesh's green revolution is inspiring. Keep illuminating the strides toward sustainability in this beautiful nation :)
    Posted 29-01-2024 14:23

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    Great report about how green buildings are being incorporated in projects in Bangladesh!
    Thank you, and keep up the good work.
    Posted 11-01-2024 16:41

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