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[January free report] Poverty and Environmental Degradation in Nepal

by Bimochan Pathak | 14-01-2024 22:19 recommendations 0

In Nepal, the relationship between poverty and environmental degradation is clear, highlighting the relationship between socio-economic factors and environmental challenges.
 Poverty forces individuals to exploit natural resources for short-term economic gain, often leading to deforestation, habitat destruction, and unsustainable agricultural practices.
 The lack of alternative livelihood options further exacerbates dependence on environmentally damaging activities, creating a vicious cycle in which poverty and environmental degradation mutually reinforce each other.
 The link between poverty and climate protection is evident in the illegal behavior that impoverished people will stop at to ensure their economic survival.
 In Nepal, some people turn to illegal activities such as animal and plant smuggling in order to make a quick buck on the black market.
 This not only threatens biodiversity but also undermines conservation efforts.
 The desperation caused by poverty drives people to engage in activities that are not only environmentally destructive but also morally questionable, and can lead to the loss of unique ecosystems and the extinction of species.
 Moreover, poverty often forces individuals to  prioritize short-term needs over long-term environmental concerns and adopt unsustainable lifestyles.
 Lack of education and access to  resources limits awareness of environmentally friendly alternatives and leads to reliance on traditional but harmful practices.
 Addressing these challenges in Nepal requires a holistic approach.
 Efforts focused on poverty alleviation, education and sustainable development can break the cycle of environmental degradation caused by poverty.
 Empowering communities with alternative sources of income, promoting green technologies, and raising conservation awareness are key elements of a comprehensive strategy to reduce the negative impact of poverty on Nepal's environment.


  • Nepal Former E-gen Ambassador Bimochan Pathak
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Nice work, but please include any visuals and reference for much more effective article :)
    Posted 29-01-2024 22:05

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    I can see how poverty and environment degradation could be connected in such ways like you mentioned in your report.
    Great job on your report!
    Posted 17-01-2024 21:24

Momina Ahsan


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