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February report "Environmental Awareness"

by Zulfiya Yertayeva | 11-02-2024 15:24 recommendations 0

The success of environmental conservation work is based on the public's ecological awareness. Therefore, continuous communication with the public is maintained through various media and the organization of events related to the project's theme. Scientific cafes, nature-themed evenings, naturalist camps, and other activities are conducted to increase the level of awareness about ecological issues.

As a little child, I was unaware of such things, and neither my parents nor we as a family knew about them. But with the advent of the internet and globalization, the issue of ecological awareness reached me and others as well. I found it very interesting and began to learn many things. It all started with a YouTube video about an ecological disaster in the world, showing how people throw away trash that ends up in the ocean, killing marine life, or how animals and birds mistake plastic/gum for food and die from it. Household waste also causes the greenhouse effect, which leads to global warming and ocean acidification, destroying marine and terrestrial fauna.

Now, the media, social networks, and private organizations are sounding the alarm and actively participating in getting humanity to take an active part in this. Even though the government does not fully focus on this issue, I am sure that we need to take our destiny into our own hands and sort waste independently, take it to recycling collection points, and be conscious because we humans are responsible for the fate of our planet. Additionally, I would like to say that with the arrival of artificial intelligence, people have great hope for a bright future that can automate the sorting process and devise new ways to combat waste.


Zulfiya Yertayeva

  • Kazakhstan Former E-gen Ambassador Zulfiya Yertayeva
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Your passion and commitment to environmental awareness are inspiring! Keep spreading the message of sustainability and taking action. Great work :)
    Posted 04-03-2024 11:58

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    The internet has served us well in showing us disaster from across the world, and enabling us to know that these disasters are interconnected directly with our own lives.
    I also look forward to a green future. Let??s all work together!
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 11-02-2024 19:05

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