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February free report-Air pollution

by Lhamu dolma Sherpa | 22-02-2024 01:13 recommendations 0

Air pollution is the presence of harmful substances in the air which is dangerous for all living beings and animals on the earth. Air pollution can originate from industry, vehicle, agricultural activity, Burning of Biomass, and natural causes like wildfires. Air pollution is increasing day by day due to increased developmental activities and an increase in the construction of the industry.


¡¤        Air pollution can cause adverse effects on humans and all living beings.

¡¤        Different respiratory diseases are caused by air pollution like asthma

¡¤        Air pollution can damage soil, water, and forest

¡¤        Decrease in crop yield, decrease in yield, and disruption of ecosystem

¡¤        An increase in the emission of harmful gases leads to climate change

Control measures

¡¤        Implement a policy to reduce harmful emission

¡¤        Promoting electric vehicles to reduce emissions from vehicles.

¡¤        Increase awareness about air pollution, its causes, and its effects.

¡¤        To address air pollution we all need to be concerned about this air pollution and we should protect the air for the future generation


Lhamu dolmaSherpa

  • Nepal Former E-gen Ambassador Lhamu dolma Sherpa
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    I think it would be better to write an article about the effects of air pollution in more detail. I think it would be better to give specific examples. Great job:)
    Posted 06-03-2024 03:42

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    Air pollution is quite severe these days, as fine dust is becoming more and more common due to desertification and other air pollution.
    One day we may have to buy fresh air like in some movies.
    Thank you for your report!
    Posted 23-02-2024 01:01

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