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[February thematic report]- Actions for enviromental awareness

by Intqam Huseynov | 25-02-2024 07:32 recommendations 1

Global actions taken to raise environmental awareness
One of the global problems that worries the world is climate change.  Climate changes and their impact on the living world are increasingly worrying the world community.  With the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, the effect of natural greenhouses is strengthened, resulting in additional warming of the earth's surface and atmosphere.  Climate changes have negative effects on natural ecosystems as well as productivity, which may put humanity at risk. The main goal of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is to stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that can prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference in the climate system. This level must be achieved in a time frame that is sufficient to allow ecosystems to naturally adapt to climate change, ensure that food production is not threatened, and allow economic development to continue sustainably.  One of the reasons that have a negative impact on the environment is the problems arising from improper management of solid household waste, especially plastic waste.  Plastic waste is one of the main factors that pollute the environment.  One of the factors complicating the situation in this area is the annual increase in the amount of plastic waste in nature for 100 years.  In order to prevent the generation of packaging waste and reduce the impact of this waste on the environment, measures are being taken by the member states of the European Union to form a system of recycling packaging waste.  At the same time, systems for returning or collecting and recycling packaging waste, including plastic packaging waste, are being implemented to achieve the intended goals.  In a number of European countries, non-profit organizations (funds) finance the collection, disposal and recycling of packaging materials. In general, as a result of the works carried out in this field and the applied mechanisms, packaging waste has gained a new importance as a recycling material, not as waste.  As a result, 60-70 percent of plastic packaging waste is recycled in some countries.  Currently, countries around the world are suffering from the negative impact of plastic bags on the environment and human health.  For this reason, many countries are already using reusable and recyclable bags made of biodegradable materials as an alternative to plastic bags, adopting legislation that includes bans, fee-for-use or a tax system in order to reduce the production of plastic bags. In modern times, the demographic growth, the development of the economy, including the industry, the increase in the level of people's well-being, and the increase in the demand for vehicles have sharply increased the demand for energy carriers.  For a long time, fuels such as coal, oil and gas have been used as the main energy carrier in the world, and the demand is met by these fuels, which are found in large quantities in many countries of the world.  However, the decrease in the reserves of these resources, as well as the unstable prices of fuel types, which play an important role in disrupting the ecological balance of the use of these types of fuel, are increasing the interest in renewable energy sources day by day.

İn Azerbaijan  actions taken to raise environmental awareness

In Azerbaijan, several projects and initiatives have been implemented to increase environmental awareness and promote sustainable practices. Some of these projects include:
1. Environmental education programs: The government and various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Azerbaijan have developed environmental education programs to raise awareness about environmental issues. These programs target different age groups and aim to educate the public about the importance of conservation and sustainable practices.
2. Reforestation projects: Azerbaijan has been working on reforestation projects to combat deforestation and increase forest cover. These projects involve planting new trees, protecting existing forest areas, and raising awareness about the importance of forests in maintaining biodiversity and mitigating climate change.
3. Waste management initiatives: Various waste management initiatives have been implemented to promote recycling and waste reduction. These initiatives include waste separation programs, recycling campaigns, and awareness-raising activities to encourage responsible waste disposal practices.
4. Conservation of biodiversity: Efforts are being made to conserve Azerbaijan's rich biodiversity through the establishment of protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries, and conservation projects. These initiatives aim to preserve endangered species and their habitats while raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation.
5. Green initiatives in urban areas: Several green initiatives have been implemented in Azerbaijan's urban areas to promote sustainable practices. These initiatives include green building projects, urban gardening programs, and the development of green spaces to improve air quality and enhance the urban environment.
6. Environmental awareness campaigns: Environmental awareness campaigns are regularly organized in Azerbaijan to educate the public about pressing environmental issues and encourage sustainable behavior. These campaigns leverage various communication channels, including media, social media, and community events, to reach a wider audience.

Overall, these projects and initiatives play a vital role in increasing environmental awareness in Azerbaijan and promoting a culture of sustainability among its population. By engaging stakeholders across different sectors and fostering collaboration between government agencies, NGOs, and local communities, Azerbaijan is working towards a more environmentally conscious and sustainable future
wiew Azerbaijan


  • Azerbaijan Former E-gen Ambassador Intqam Huseynov
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hello Intqam, this is mentor SangHyeon. Your comprehensive overview of environmental awareness efforts in Azerbaijan highlights the country's commitment to sustainability. Keep up the excellent work! Again, reference is required!
    Thank you for this report :)
    Posted 06-03-2024 03:53

Intqam Huseynov

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    Good job introducing the actions taken to raise environmental awareness in Azerbaijan!
    Campaigns, Educational programs and other initiatives all play their own roles in increasing environmental awareness.
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 25-02-2024 13:37

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