At present scenario environmental consciousness is the most important
and crucial task.One should take care in conserving environment right now otherwise we can't imagine our future in safer mode. Our next generation may face many more health hazards due to our selfish activities that is polluting environment.
In this context let us come across one of the major issue that is OZONE LAYER.
It is primary duty of every student and citizen to know more about the ozone layer and should do the activities that will be supporting in saving the ozone layer. Probably when I asked about ozone layer about 70% of them don't know even about ozone layer, so again I am awakening the students and citizens with this newsletter.
Ozone Layer: it is a layer which acts as a screen between the earth and the sun in preventing the ultraviolet rays in reaching the earth. Chemically ozone is represented as 03.It is pale blue in colour containing strong odour. Ozone is concentrated in stratosphere.Depletion of ozone layer means the occurrence of damage to it in the form of a hole. Antarctic Hole: The large and rapid decrease in the concentration of ozone molecules over Halley bay Antarctica, especially during mid September to mid November this results in the formation of ozone hole over a large extent area. One chlorine atom can destroy 1,00,000 ozone molecules.
Ozone depleting substances are the gases evolved from refrigerators, A.C's foam blowing substances and chemicals such as aerosol and methyl bromide.
Secondly pollution of carbons from vehicles, industries and also due to aero planes, they fly in this stratosphere.
Ozone depletion not only causes diseases to Human beings and animals but they eradicate the growth of plants and reduce the yield of marine life such as fish, prawns and crabs. It also effect crops mainly paddy and wheat. Pictorial representation is given below
Further steps to save our ozonelayer:
Demand for chloroflouro carbons free items only which contain the symbols CFC free and Ozone Friendly.
Try to avoid the usage of refrigerators and A.C?s which are not ozone friendly choose ozone friendly ones.
Check your vehicle and certify it from your nearest pollution control board for every 2 months.
The equipment in the industries must be ozone friendly ones.Plant trees for ecological balance.
Oh thanks for the interesting Ozone Game! I like those kind of games, haha!
Posted 28-11-2011 12:12