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How to minimise the use of plastic bags!!!

by | 15-07-2014 11:13 recommendations 0

First off, I am not here to tell you that we should STOP using plastic bags. But I would like to propose a more pragmatic and practical approach of using plastic bags as less as possible. Let me first start off by listing some facts about the harmful effects of using plastic bags excessively.


  • Over 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide, annually, which means that almost 1 million plastic bags are used every minute.
  • However only 1 out 200 plastic bags are recycled in United Kingdom.
  • More than 3.5 million tons of plastic bags are discarded worldwide.


Just by looking at the statistical numbers, we are shocked to realize an extent to which humans are very dependent on plastic bags. However, we cannot deny the fact that plastic bags are very useful to our lives. Many people around the world use plastic bags to hold all appliances or foods that they have purchased in grocery store, garner all the trash that they littered, etc. In fact, my family always uses plastic bags to collect our trash. What is more foreboding than our massive dependence on plastic bags is that it takes approximately 1000 years to decompose a single plastic bag. By looking just at the number of years that it takes to decompose, we can easily realize that plastic bags are not sustainable materials.


I will tell you the bleak truth. It is almost, if not, entirely impossible for everyone to stop using plastic bags. It is, in fact, even very difficult for me to stop using plastic bags. However, we can make a more realistic, environmental friendly approach to minimize the use of plastic bags. One teacher provided me with a very innovative and ingenious way to achieve this. I would like to thank deeply to my teacher for providing me with this idea.


Below this report are three images. First image is a picture that shows how we usually or normally throw empty chip bags. Second image is a picture that I took that shows how my teacher proposed me to throw chips bags. Third picture is an image that I found on Internet, which shows an art piece of which other person had constructed out of littered chip bags to save as much as space in plastic bags as possible.


Again, there are many ways to fold the chips bags. You can create your own way of doing so. It is UNLIMITED!!! Just imagine how much space we can save by throwing our trash by using these methods. In fact, my family was able to decrease from using 8 plastic bags to 5 plastic bags in a month!


I highly recommend many of you to try out this approach!


Image links:





Reference Links:




Littered empty chip bagApproach 1Approach 2

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  • Burton Dorley says :
    We really do need to kick out the use of plastics in order for us to have a cool environment thanks for sharing J
    Posted 17-07-2014 12:56

  • says :
    I didnt know the statistics were that bad....your suggestions are great too!
    Posted 16-07-2014 18:19

  • says :
    Thank you for interesting and pragmatic tip Jaeyeon :D
    It also seems fun folding the plastic bags. I think it's really doable green tip.
    Posted 16-07-2014 08:52

  • says :
    plastic is detrimental to environment as they are not degradable and deleterious to our health as well. we must emphasize the minimum use of plastics by encouraging reuse or recycle. we can also initiate use of biodegradable bags .for eg.In Nepal at Tansen municipality plastic bags are prohibited in local market and biodegradable bags are used.
    Posted 16-07-2014 01:22

  • says :
    Surely plastic bags can be deemed as a 'necessary evil.' so important to our lives yet so devastating to the environment.
    Posted 15-07-2014 21:43

  • says :
    Thank you for the information
    Posted 15-07-2014 21:43

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Very nice thought ! I would definitely keep this in mind.
    Thanks , Jae for sharing this unique idea .
    Posted 15-07-2014 16:10

  • says :
    wow. great recycle action. I guess it can be made a Eco-friendly recycled souvenir. Thank you for sharing an innovative action.
    Posted 15-07-2014 12:54

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