According to a new study conducted by U.S. Forest Service scientists and collaborators, trees save more than 850 lives per year in the US by reducing air pollution. Additional benefit from trees is the prevention of 670,000 incidences of acute respiratory symptoms. This research was also published recently in the journal Environmental Pollution.
This research outcome is reassuring the positive impact of trees on human health. However, it is still controversial as the article itself cites another study which has found negative impact of trees on air pollution which emanates a compound that helps produce lung-damaging particulate matter. This indicates further research is necessary to examine the impact of trees on air pollution which is inevitably interlinked to human health.
One setback of the new study is potential generalization errors associated with the overall impact of trees. Most likely, further research will have to focus more on various impacts of diverse kinds and maturity stages of trees. These should also be dependent upon the climate and season under which the threes are growing. Another confounding factor could be other types of environmental aspects such as wind, soil and temperature which may characterize the impact of trees on the air quality.
Be controversial as it may, the argument should not be solely focused on direct impact of trees on air pollution. Given that trees help sustain soil cohesion against the threat of floods and strong winds, and protect against the depletion of Ozone layer as evidenced by the case of Amazon forests, positive impacts of trees should go far beyond what the trees offer for less amount of air pollution. A holistic approach in this regard would provide a fuller understanding of trees? impact, by capturing important, unmissable factors.
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Trees are an important part of nature, indeed. Thank you for the information.
Posted 30-07-2014 22:49
Thanks for sharing . I never knew before this that trees could ever had any disadvantage or negative effect as well but as you rightly said that advantages of trees far outweigh the disadvantage .
Posted 30-07-2014 18:02
Thanks for sharing, Jae yeon! That IS a very controversial statement, but I'm glad the US is looking into this kind of research.
Posted 30-07-2014 14:24
Tree is saving all of us actually :) Thank you for sharing, Jae yeon!
Posted 29-07-2014 16:54
tree is our life. nice one
Posted 29-07-2014 15:36