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[Korea] 2018 Junior Engineering Academy - Korean pariticipants

by Eco Generation | 11-06-2018 17:47

Call for Applications – Korean participants
2018 Junior Eco Engineering Academy
August 7-9, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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Eco-generation of Samsung Engineering would like to offer opportunities to the young students to participate in the 2018 Junior Eco Engineering Academy which will be held in Seoul, South Korea by inviting the respective winners around the world to explore the environmental awareness activities.
 Winners will be given the opportunities to participate in the 2018 Junior Eco-Engineering Academy which program includes specialist lecture, laboratory demonstrations and experiments, hands-on project, presentation competition and a variety of other activities in order to advance their awareness on the role and commitment to energy efficiency, energy conservation, and mitigating energy-related impacts on the environment. Junior Eco Engineering Academy will be held at Samsung GEC, headquarter of Samsung Engineering in Sangil-dong, Seoul.

To check the details about domestic Korean participants, please visit Home>E-gen Event>Monthly Event>[Korean] Âü°¡ÀÚ ¸ðÁý 2018 Junior Engineering Academy or this link.