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7 Environmental Elements You Should Know

by Eco Generation | 14-08-2020 11:04 Comments 24 Comments

7 Environmental Elements You Should Know

Dear All Eco-generation Members,



Remember our theme for the year 2020?


If you may recall, it was 'Be the change, Inspire the change, Implement the change!'


In order for us to act upon this theme, we thought it'd be best for us to first obtain basic environmental knowledge.


For this reason, we have come up with 7 Environmental Elements every TUNZA Eco-generation member ought to know!       


Starting from today, on every Fridays, a new content about each different environmental element will be uploaded, so please stay tuned :)



Every Fridays:
(Click to read the column or visit the Resources Tab)


1) Water


2) Atmopshere


3) Energy


4) Ecosystem


5) Humans & Environment


6) Waste & Recycling


7) Climate Change



  • Olaoye Philip says :
    Thanks for this... This will surely be educative. Reading up straight away
    Posted 08-10-2020 22:02

  • Youness Lagrini says :
    Great, can't wait to read it
    Posted 26-08-2020 22:47

  • Biddhya pandey says :
    Wow !! Great sounds exciting
    Posted 26-08-2020 01:28

  • Anthony Duxell Malle says :
    This is awesome!! I can't wait to read through.
    Posted 24-08-2020 16:35

  • Khushi Chindaliya says :
    Amazing! Excited to read the content. :)
    Posted 24-08-2020 14:53

Vazira Ikhtiyorova

  • Vazira Ikhtiyorova says :
    Woow! That's so great! Excited to read new articles on Fridays:)

    Posted 18-08-2020 21:24

  • Pacifique Iraguha says :
    I am thrilled to hear it and can't wait to see this coming. Let's go green.
    Posted 16-08-2020 00:01

  • Kevin RUSAGARA IRAGUHA says :
    Glad!! we've got to purpose to be there. thanks Tunza Eco generation, we are going to really learn a lot from here
    Posted 15-08-2020 07:34

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Excited for this!!

    Posted 14-08-2020 15:18

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Wow !! already excited for it :)
    Posted 14-08-2020 15:01

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