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[World] Theme of the year 2020

by Eco Generation | 31-01-2020 16:42 Comments 87 Comments

[World] Theme of the year 2020

A big thank you to every single TUNZA Eco-generation members for your participation in settting the environmental theme for this year, 2020.

To better understand the meaning that our members want to set as this year¡¯s theme, we have analyzed the keywords and phrases our members suggested.


The most commonly used word was, 'change,' which therefore, we have fully utilized this word in our theme, "Be the change, Inspire the change and Implement the change!"

We feel that a lot of our members felt the need for change, and yes, change can be said as the top priority when it comes to turning back our environment to how it was in the beginning.
There are many, many environmental issues that is taking place simultaneously, not to mention global warming, plastic pollution, unsustainable harvesting, biodiversity threats, exploitation of natural resources, air pollution... as the list goes on.
Obviously, all of these issues cannot be resolved if we not change our current actions.

The second most commonly used word was, 'climate.'

Since climate goes together with climate change, a.k.a. global warming, many of our TUNZA Eco-generation members must be concerned with climate change, which is therefore why we had decided our sub-theme to be, "Together for Climate Action, Better Future for Us and Next Generation."


The third most commonly used word was, 'our'.

This environmental networking platform, TUNZA, was created under the firm belief that this platform can enhance team spirit of our members to enhance their actions to take action, which explains why our members had managed to use this word so often.


Next words, 'environment', 'earth', and 'global' all goes to explain our members concerns to caring about our mother Earth.


Frequency and top words :            


Word Occurrences Frequency Rank
change 35 1.8% 1
climate 34 1.8% 1
our 34 1.8% 1
environment 17 0.9% 2
earth 16 0.8% 3
need 16 0.8% 3
year 15 0.8% 3
plastic 14 0.7% 4
global 13 0.7% 4
youth 13 0.7% 4


Based on this thorough analysis, we have come up with a phrase of what our members want to speak out.




Be the change,

Inspire the change,

Implement the change!

- Together for Climate Action, Better Future for Us and Next Generation



Our education, our schools, various organizations, several governments and also we as individual at personal capacity are working to bring environmental awareness and educate our near and dears to conserve our environment. Personally, working in my community, I feel that, majority people are well informed of the environmental concerns. However, people are not switching to greener alternatives and methods may be due to convenience, Costs factors, Reluctance etc. I have seen our TUNZA ambassadors have their own special areas of interest related to plastic, water, air, deforestation etc. What I feel is the need of the year is How to changes ideas to reality, how can we implement our plans. So I suggest the theme ¡®Be the change, Inspire the change and Implement the change.¡¯ In which we all can work on our areas of interests, by being the leaders and setting own examples thus inspiring others to follow and also the most important aspect of any change is implementing it in our community.


This year we entered with burning forests in the ocean, with Amazonian valleys, where powerful and evergreen Amazon forests once grew. Due to the disappearance of our green cover and unique representatives of flora and fauna, let us devote this year to the protection of forests and the prevention of any danger that threatens both the trees and the living creatures living on their crown and on branches. Prevention can not only consist of working with the public and organizing volunteer programs, but you can also innovate in fire-fighting equipment and new modern technologies for checking air and forest observations from a height, thereby not only increasing the productivity of fire services, but we can also monitor illegal logging and poaching.


Single use plastic bags, bottles or can need to be banned from everywhere around the planet. This has created the problem in terrestrial and aquatic organism in the planet. Another thing is the preservation of habitats of living beings on Earth. Due to habitat destruction organism are in the verge of extinction.


Almost all environmental campaigns all around the world are championed by the youth because perhaps we see what kind of future lays ahead of us and if something is not done now to secure that future, then it will be an omen for ourselves. With platforms such us TUNZA Eco Generation, a new hope is born and the actions of the youth could exhibited in the various opportunities offered here on this platform. I believe the earth is dying due our own influences on it, from the various forms of pollution to felling of trees indiscriminately, to illegal mining and all the others. It is education through the voices of the youth that could perhaps be the up lifter of brighter generation who cautious of the harm they could be doing to their environment through what they do.


There are several environmental issues we need to focus on this decade. Alone effort won't be sufficient to save our environment. We must be together and act for the environmental preservation. Change begins from us. We need to bring change in ourselves. We must be the change with eco-friendly measures in our daily life activities to protect our planet.
Climate Change is one of the biggest threats this decade. With the impacts being seen on wildfire in Australia, change in the rainfall pattern, we need to focus on the adaptation and mitigation measure of climate change. We need to be together and act for climate action.


There are three environment-related topics that I am most concerned about. The first one is sustainable exploitation of natural resources. I believe in a sustainable way of exploiting natural resources in order that our future generation can continue to make use of them. The second one is clean water. There are a lot of people all over the world lacking access to purified water. More steps need to be taken to provide access of clean water to everyone in the world, especially in Africa. The third and last one is air pollution. In the place where I am living now (Bangkok, Thailand), the air quality is utterly terrible due to smog from vehicles, factories and burning. This affects people's health in a dramatically negative way.


Global climate change, most commonly referred to as global warming, is a worldwide problem facing our environment. Global climate change is simply a rise or fall in Earth¡¯s temperature over a period of time. Although this problem has natural causes, the true detriments come from humans and how we live day to day. Although many people have heard of climate change, there is not a big effort to fix this problem or to understand it. The best way to rectify this change to the environment is to help others recognize the causes of this problem and the effects they have on our planet.


The ravaging wildfires in Australia that has left thousands homeless and several dead should be the topic of the month. The worst hit nation with severe drought and hot weather is a glimpse of climatic change that is drastically affecting our planet. Meaningful discussions should be around addressing wildfires and arresting effects of climate change this month. Australia should serve as an example of where our planet earth is headed to.


As we are about to enter the second decade since the millennium, our battle for climate change has grown and is currently backed up with scientific studies, facts, and evidences. We sit down, discuss and show our undying support for this cause. I believe that the youth needs to be future ready and climate resilient.


It has already been 5 years since we adopted SDG, but the progress is very much slow and we have 9 more years to achieve 17 Goals. Hence, I believe Sustainable Development Goals must be the theme with major focus on Goal No.13 (Climate Action), Goal No.2 (Zero Hunger) and Goal No.17 (Partnership for Goals). I believe this theme will not only generate awareness but also engage more and more youths to work for achievement of SDG.


We could see many evidences of rapid climate change around us, such as shrinking ice sheets, declining artic sea ice, glacial retreat, decreased snow cover, global temperature rise, warming oceans, sea level rise, extreme events, ocean acidification to name a few. Sometimes I feel that we are not going to have our future secure and feel guilty, as there is not much that I or rather we can do to change it. We as global citizens can try to do our bit by reducing our carbon emissions and also demand others and governments to do the same. We need to show together to our leaders that we will no longer be tolerant to such actions and they need to react and act. The pace at which they are acting is too slow as there are all possibilities that climate change will blow us over. It is not possible for an individual to put a full stop to this. However, we need to hope and believe that there are chances to construct something better together. We do understand that climate change is harming the planet at a very increasing rate, and it may be harming our mental health too. Let us all fight together the climatic changes, heal the environment, and love the planet.


TUNZA is a platform where people can know about the factors degrading the earth and environment friendly activities. I personally have learnt a lot. Plastics use is a serious problem and its reduction is very important. For this one must need to feel their responsibility towards nature and should follow environment friendly options. In this way, minimal use of plastic may lead to sustainable and healthy earth. In 2020 we can initiate this plastic use reduction from our side and can contribute to create the happy and healthy earth.




Alok Dhakal(Nepal), Ananya Singh(India), Arjun Anand(UAE), Bal krishna Pandey(Nepal), Cassie Kenny(Kenya), Diana Gamazova(Kazakhstan), Dibya Bhatta(Nepal), Greatman Owhor(Nigeria), Justice Obiri(Ghana), Kenneth Gideon(Kenya), Kushal Naharki(Nepal), Nguyen Bao Phuc(Vietnam), Nitin Singh(India), Okoth Okoth(Kenya), Pherly Grace Bungao(Philippines), Prajwal Shrestha(Nepal), Sagar Koirala(Nepal), Sainath Manikandan(UAE), Shreya Aryal(Nepal), Siya Tayal(India), Vazira Ikhtiyorova(Uzbekistan).


  • Madhu Aryal says :
    thank you so much for this theme

    Posted 08-10-2020 13:12

  • Dalima Thapa says :
    Lets be the change!
    & go green!
    Thats an amazing theme!
    Posted 12-09-2020 21:05

  • Madhu Aryal says :
    wow truly loved it hope it get implemented all over the world.

    Posted 03-09-2020 17:08

  • Bidhata Pathak says :
    happy to see the theme!!
    Posted 31-08-2020 11:30

  • Mubarak Ayanniyi says :
    Change begins with me😃. What a nice theme
    Posted 29-08-2020 13:21

  • Yasmin Hussain says :
    this is so good. It does mention how climate affects us in another way. people should know that and now they do.
    Posted 28-08-2020 14:00

  • Laila Zahranie says :
    Semua akan membaik dengan perubahan
    Posted 24-08-2020 06:05

  • Kaushal Niraula says :
    Best theme ....
    With nice objective ...
    Posted 15-08-2020 23:52

  • Ananya Dave says :
    This is a fitting theme for this year! Covid-19 and environmental disasters and issues have brought about so much change in the span of a couple of months.
    Posted 14-08-2020 14:49

  • Yasmin Hussain says :
    what a nice theme for the year.
    yep, you do have lots of 'change' but I think that's just cool.
    Posted 13-08-2020 13:32

  • Paras Kunwar says :
    This is really awesome..
    Posted 01-08-2020 01:57

  • Yushika Subedi says :
    Be the change you wish to see in the world :)
    Posted 26-07-2020 14:39

  • Houra Yousefi says :
    great! happy to see this theme
    Posted 25-07-2020 12:40

  • NsikakAbasi Etim Jnr says :
    A very interesting theme. Change begins with an individual
    Posted 18-07-2020 02:24

  • Kamakshi Bali says :
    no individiual can ignore the importance of change

    Posted 17-07-2020 02:32

  • Shruti Shrestha says :
    Be the change ,
    Inspire the change,
    Implement the change
    Posted 09-07-2020 20:20

  • Eze Amobi says :
    Wow!!! What a great theme
    This is really nice
    Posted 04-07-2020 04:24

  • Elvis Eduwa says :
    yes indeed change is innevitable and is what we need to embrace for a better future
    Posted 09-06-2020 03:00

  • Juvairiyah Batool says :
    Yes, by changing ourselves we can change world.
    Posted 06-06-2020 18:04

Sonika Pariyar

  • Ajaya Poudel says :
    Be the change,
    Inspire the change,
    Implement the change!
    What a theme! May this inspire more and more people.

    Posted 26-04-2020 13:01

  • Samikshya Pandey says :
    Wow!!Be the change,Inspire the change,Implement the change!
    This is awesome!!
    Posted 22-04-2020 20:35

  • Kristi Joies says :
    woahh.. reallyy inspired

    Posted 17-04-2020 17:20

  • Asmita Bhusal says :
    Glad to see such awesome theme.
    Posted 15-04-2020 13:29

  • sandesh thapa says :
    happy to see it, though missed it.
    Posted 06-04-2020 23:53

  • Fahd Rasul says :
    nice theme.
    Posted 05-04-2020 23:14

  • Jasmine Karki says :

    Wow! What a theme!!
    Really appreciable one !!
    To bring the change we must be a change..

    Green cheers
    Jasmine karki
    Posted 31-03-2020 01:02

  • Anjila Pandey says :
    Missed to be a part of!
    Posted 27-03-2020 22:45

  • Lalit Joshi says :
    Very apt theme.
    Posted 24-03-2020 23:18

  • Asmita Bhusal says :
    Apt theme
    Be the change, inspire the change and implement the change!!
    Posted 23-03-2020 15:58

  • Aarati Khatri says :
    This is very practical based theme!
    Posted 19-03-2020 13:33

  • Sanjay Poudel says :
    Good..keep it up...thank you
    Posted 07-03-2020 18:11

  • Nina He says :
    Nice Themes
    Posted 01-03-2020 16:38

  • Bhupi Poudel says :
    Change is continious. Great theme
    Posted 29-02-2020 10:50

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Very pretty
    Thank you so much for this report
    Posted 26-02-2020 12:09

  • Perla Salliu says :
    Great inspiration!!!
    Posted 24-02-2020 06:33

Vazira Ikhtiyorova

  • Sabitri Pandey says :
    I always accept the change and try to impress others:)
    What a great theme for 2020
    Posted 21-02-2020 12:47

  • Nitipak Ratapipat says :
    I believe in change. Even small changes can impact our world
    Posted 20-02-2020 02:02

  • Jian Ruan says :
    We can't afford to wait.
    I am really honored to be one of the young changemakers!
    Posted 15-02-2020 14:11

  • Shreya Aryal says :
    Great theme and such a awesome concept.
    Posted 13-02-2020 17:31

  • biddhya pandey says :
    Great theme. Initiative begins from ourselves
    Posted 12-02-2020 13:32

  • Shradha Shenoy says :
    Lovely theme. Reminds me rightly of the quote,
    'To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often.' - Winston Churchill
    Here is to the start of working hard towards achieving this year's theme.
    Green cheers everyone!
    Posted 08-02-2020 18:38

  • Yuqing Yang says :
    Great! Let us collaborate and work together towards this goal!
    Posted 08-02-2020 17:34

  • Sujan Paudel says :
    Great theme. We should do our best to make it possible.
    Posted 06-02-2020 00:40

  • Aman Roy says :
    Awesome Theme
    Posted 06-02-2020 00:38

  • Aman Roy says :
    Nice Theme
    Posted 05-02-2020 01:53

  • Nikita Lavrentyev says :
    Glad for Diana! Good luck! Greetings from Kazakhstan :)
    Posted 03-02-2020 22:22

  • Claire Smith says :
    Be this change! @Diana Gamazova, conradulations from me!!
    Posted 03-02-2020 20:34

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    This is really so awesome,
    We will work together for the accomplishment of the theme of this year!!!!
    Green Cheers!!!!
    Posted 03-02-2020 17:56

  • Arjun Anand says :
    Happy to see the theme
    Posted 03-02-2020 17:37

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    This is just awesome.
    Glad to be the part of this amazing event and setting the theme of the year.
    Now we all should work to accomplish the theme of this year.
    Green Cheers !!!
    Posted 03-02-2020 16:29

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