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Top 50 Sub-Continents and Countries in October 2019

by Eco Generation | 11-11-2019 09:05 Comments 6 Comments

top 50 visitors in october 2019

Dear TUNZA Eco-Generation Members and Visitors,

Let us look at the list of top 50 sub-continents and countries our platform users were from in the past month of October, before we start the new exciting month of November.  
We've noticed some advances in rank in some of the regions, and highlighted them in yellow. Congrats guys!                            

Also, there were new countries that were added to the list: Italy, Colombia, Zimbabwe, and Sweden. Welcome to the platform guys!!
We appreciate all of your visits to TUNZA Eco-Generation to take action in understanding and preserving our environment.




top 50 visitors in october 2019



Please share with us which sub-continent/country you guys are from and let us know about it in the comment box below.


We wish everyone a sweet November :)



  • Justice Obiri says :
    Ghana is not doing bad at all, thanks for sharing with us!
    Posted 17-11-2019 11:51

  • sagar koirala says :
    South Asia all the way &#128525
    Posted 15-11-2019 11:36

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Thanks for sharing this information. I am so happy to see my country's rank is upgrading day by day!!!
    Posted 12-11-2019 14:04

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thank you for sharing the ranking. I am from UK, representing Europe continent.
    Posted 12-11-2019 03:57

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thanks for sharing this info :) :)
    This motivates to make of region much stronger
    Posted 11-11-2019 14:37

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