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[World] Winners of the trip to 2019 Junior Engineering Academy

by Eco Generation | 06-09-2019 11:26 Comments 14 Comments

[World] Winners of the trip to 2019 Junior Engineering Academy

Dear Eco-generation members,


First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who applied for the 2019 Junior Engineering Academy and helped make it a success!

As all applicants were so brilliant and passionate about the environment as well as engineering, the evaluation was tougher than ever.

Before we announce the Facilitators and Participants of the 2019 Junior Engineering Academy, we do want to make it clear that each application was so brilliant and we could find many next year's winners (especially facillitators!!) to be enlisted in the future.


Now, we would like to announce the list of the winners as below.








Ananya Singh









Ayazhan Salmenova



Elliot Connor



Saba Iakobidze



Vazira Ikhtiyorova




¡Ø Unlike previous years, we will be announcing ONLY the global participants and facilitators list on this website.

¡Ø Parents CANNOT accompany the trip to 2019 Junior Engineering Academy. Chaperones from respective Samsung Engineering Offices or facilitator shall accompany the trip from each country to Korea. 

¡Ø HOWEVER, the global participants who have no guardian can accompany ONE chaperone under the condition to bear their own flight expenses. Rest of the cost for the global chaperones shall be burden by Samsung Engineering.

Congratulations for all selected facilitators and participants!

And again we thank you for all applicants who submitted outstanding applications about your motivations to attend our Academy. We hope to see our applications once again in the next year!


Trip to Korea will last for 5 days from November 18 - 22, 2019. However there always can be a possibility that event might be canceled due to inevitable reasons. If the program is canceled, only the certificate and the souvenirs shall be given to the winners by air courier.


Please note that a confirmation email including the detailed information about the event has been sent to the participants as well as facilitator today. Please prepare a copy of your passport ASAP.

If a selected applicant does not respond to Eco-generation's confirmation e-mail in 3 days, your selection will be automatically canceled and the opportunity will be given to the next global candidates (finalists). 


Congratulations once again and hope to meet you in November in Seoul, the capital and largest metropolis of the Republic of Korea!!


Best regards,

Eco-generation team


  • Arjun Anand says :
    Congratulations to all selected participants.

    Arjun Anand
    Posted 09-09-2019 21:40

  • Nada Muhammad says :
    Congrats to all of you guys

    you deserve it and keep your good work

    Posted 09-09-2019 01:29

  • Harshdev Punera says :
    Congratulations to all winners. All the best guys:)
    Posted 08-09-2019 04:38

  • Sruthi Shanker P says :
    Hearty Congratulations to all the winners of the JEA 2019!
    Wish you all the very best! Green Cheers!
    Sruthi Shanker
    Posted 07-09-2019 21:30

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Congratulations to all the winners, wish you all a great learning experience
    Warm regards,
    Alok Dhakal
    Posted 07-09-2019 19:13

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Good morning Tunza and every Ecogeneration Team,
    Congratulations all the selected participants and facilators of JEA 2019. Hope you have a wonderful trip there.
    Posted 07-09-2019 11:52

Vazira Ikhtiyorova

  • Vazira Ikhtiyorova says :
    Thank you soooo much for an amazing opportunity, Tunza!!!
    Posted 07-09-2019 01:57

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Congratulations to all the selected participants and facilitator.
    Hope you will have an awesome journey of JEA
    Green Cheers !!!!
    Posted 06-09-2019 22:56

  • Viraaj Kulshreshtha says :
    Thanks team Eco Generation for the wonderful opportunity.
    Posted 06-09-2019 22:14

  • Viraaj Kulshreshtha says :
    Congratulations Ananya for being selected as a Facilitator.
    Posted 06-09-2019 22:12

  • Viraaj Kulshreshtha says :
    Congratulations to all the winners of the JEA 2019.
    wish you all a great learning experience.
    Posted 06-09-2019 22:12

  • Elliot Connor says :
    Thank you so much Tunza and Samsung for the amazing opportunity!!!! I'm lost for words I'm so excited, and can hardly wait to meet everyone else there!!! Best wishes for all those who were selected- I'm sure this means just as much for you as it does for me.
    Posted 06-09-2019 14:56

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Good morning Tunza, Good morning everyone!

    Congratulations Ananya and all the global participants for being announced as this years JEA 2019 edition! I am very proud of you all. I wish you guys all the best!

    Rosa :)
    Posted 06-09-2019 14:19

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