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[World] Thank your for your participation

by Eco Generation | 01-08-2017 13:48 Comments 9 Comments

Winner of the monthly event for July 2017

Dear members,

As you know, we have commemorated the purpose of Tunza Eco-generation platform as a monthly event in July which is to promote infomration exchange between the youths in other countries and to encourage each other for the environmental advocacy and learning.

To our suprise, so many members put their own heartfelt comments to encourage our members for exchanging their opinions on the environment!

It was so nice to read all those heartfelt comments to each posting and it was very fortunate to confirm this was a great way to raise awareness on the importance of the feedbacks by comments, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our members around the world who left a nice comment to other's postings.

Though our montly event is expired, please keep reading each comment and posting carefully and put more comments of your ideas and suggestions about the them in the future as well.

As promised, we have selected the BEST member who put the most heartfelt as well as the most commnents on the postings.

It was Aaditya Singh!

Please read his heartfelt comment especially to each winning essays of the 10th Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition at E-gen Event>Monthly Event>Winners.

We do appreciate your participation once again and hope to read more comments in the future.

Best regards,

Eco-generation team


  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well done Aaditya. Truly deserving.
    Posted 10-08-2017 23:54

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    @Anthony- Ofcourse, I am continuing to read and comment, hopefully will be able to devote time during the holidays.
    Posted 05-08-2017 15:01

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    @Arushi- You have been an inspiration and thanks for the encouragement by words and also by example!
    Posted 05-08-2017 15:00

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thanks E-gen Team for this recognition.
    Thanks Arushi, Viraaj, Christian and Anthony, for your congratulatory comments.
    The contest was perfectly timed for me. Due to school pressures, I am often not able to devote as much time to the Tunza forum as I would like to. We have holidays now and though I was travelling in June end and most of July, I took every opportunity to put my holidays to best use.
    This forum is a precious gift for me. I am able to fulfill to my hearts desire, my love for reading, writing and the environment- all on this one platform.
    As for commenting of others' posts, I always make it a point that if I comment, it is only after reading the report and if possible after going over the topic further through web research.
    Posted 05-08-2017 15:00

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    Congrats Aaditya, you deserve it. OK, it is party time... but hey! don't stop reading and commenting.
    Posted 04-08-2017 13:54

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Congratulations Aaditya. Truly deserving. So nice to see you active on this forum. Keep it up.
    Posted 01-08-2017 17:29

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