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[World] Monthly Event for September

by Eco Generation | 06-09-2017 08:13 Comments 3 Comments

Recommend your favorite environmental websites and become our guest editor Part 3.

Dear Tunza Eco-generation members,

In 2013 and 2016, we had a Monthly event to collect the informative environmental websites and publish the list on our Resource page.

In this year, we would like to updated collect the favorite environmental websites of our members once again!!!

Do you have your Favorite Environmental Website?
Do you have your own website to promote the environmental issues?

Then share it with Eco-generation family and be our Guest Editor!

To find more about the event, please visit E-gen Event>Monthly Event> Monthly Event for September.

We're looking forward to various new websites!!!

To learn about the previous features, please visit Resources>Feature>Our favorite Environmental Websites series.

All the best,

Eco-generation team


  • says :
    Of Course Tunza is one
    Posted 03-10-2017 06:54

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Ida, Thank you so much for saying that!!! :D
    Posted 25-09-2017 09:25

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