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[World] Top attendance scorers of the first half year in 2016

by Eco Generation | 06-07-2016 13:29 Comments 21 Comments

top attendance 2016 first half year
Dear Tunza Eco-generation,


We would like to inform you the top attendance score rankers of the first half year in 2016. 

Month Ranking Username Point
Jan 1  Ayu Amelia 1780
2  Ayu Rizky 1400
3  Simran Vedvyas 1340
Feb 1  Arushi Madan 1590
2  Simran Vedvyas 1480
3  Ayu Amelia 1230
Mar 1  Simran Vedvyas 1710
2  Gamebaba 1480
3  Arushi Madan 1420
Apr 1  Ayu Amelia 1590
2  Arushi Madan 1530
3  Ayu Rizky 1520
May 1  Ayu Amelia 1920
2  Arushi Madan 1630
3  adamzhou17 1380
Jun 1  Ayu Rizky 1520
2  Ayu Amelia 1500
3  Simran Vedvyas 1460

To Ayu Amelia, Simran Vedvyas, Arushi Madan, Ayu Rizky, Gamebaba, adamzhou17
who is enlisted on the Top 3 attendance points for the last six months, we would like to send small gift box as a token of the appreciation on the active attendance checks!
Please submit your correct address via Monthly Event application form of this month!!! 

We appreciate your active attendance checks!!!!

with love,
Eco-generation team


  • says :
    Awesome! Congrats to you guys.
    Posted 23-09-2016 22:58

  • says :
    Posted 23-09-2016 17:29

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Congratulations to all the winners.
    Posted 04-08-2016 20:06

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Thank You to all and Eco Generation
    Posted 24-07-2016 00:30

  • says :
    Awesome !!! Congrats to all winners. Thanks Tunza.
    Posted 18-07-2016 15:25

  • says :
    Congratulations to everyone. Great going mates
    Posted 11-07-2016 23:37

  • says :
    Congratulations :)
    Posted 09-07-2016 19:45

  • says :
    Posted 08-07-2016 19:41

  • says :
    congz to u all!
    Posted 08-07-2016 19:21

  • says :
    Awesome! Congratulations to you guys
    Posted 08-07-2016 18:49

  • Anishka Jha says :
    Congratulations to all the winners!!
    Posted 08-07-2016 18:46

  • Dewi Retno S says :
    Congrats to the winners :)
    Posted 07-07-2016 18:57

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    I have been awfully busy lately. Congrats to all the winners. And hei, keep ticking the attendance
    Posted 07-07-2016 13:57

  • says :
    Congratulations to all the top attendance scorers &#128522
    Posted 07-07-2016 10:55

  • says :
    Congrats, Mate. Great work
    Posted 07-07-2016 06:00

  • says :
    Congratulations everybody. Keep up the great work.
    Posted 06-07-2016 20:41

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Congrats to all the winners. Thanks Tunza Eco Gen and everyone.
    Posted 06-07-2016 18:17

Dharmendra Kapri

  • says :
    CONGRATULATIONS to Ayu Amelia, Simran Vedvyas, Arushi Madan, Ayu Rizky, Gamebaba, adamzhou17!!!!!
    Posted 06-07-2016 14:28

  • says :
    This is awesome! Congratulations to you guys.
    Thank you Tunza Eco-Generation for this awesome motivation
    Posted 06-07-2016 14:09

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