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[World] Monthly Event for July 2016

by Eco Generation | 06-07-2016 18:41 Comments 17 Comments

Monthly event for July 2016
Dear Tunza Eco-generation members,

As you know, we have published various types of educational content on Tunza Eco-generation platform such as comics, 20 must-know global environmental issues, flash animations, games and specialist columns.
Among all of these types of educational content, what is your favorite piece and why is it so?
Please introduce your favorite type of content and the MOST attractive piece among those types. Please choose one piece of content on Fun Land and Resources.

Among your entries, we shall introduce your entries via our Eco-generation facebook page. Please help us find the unknown pieces of our edutainment works!!! 
Mutiple entreis are welcomed and we shall look forward to many of your entreis!!!!

To submit your entry, please click HERE or visit E-gen Event>Monthly Event>Application form tab.

P.S. We shall send 1TB Samsung portable memory station for the 3 best contributors! 


  • says :
    Interesting event.
    Posted 22-07-2016 02:42

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Imanishimwe, minimum 100 words!

    Posted 14-07-2016 08:32

  • says :
    what is the words limit?
    Posted 13-07-2016 20:05

  • says :
    Hmm... you want to know my favourite content. It will be inbox :P :P :P
    excited though i have missed many great events (thank to you exams xD ) )
    Posted 11-07-2016 23:36

  • Anishka Jha says :
    Seems like a very interesting event. Looking forward to it!
    Posted 11-07-2016 00:39

  • says :
    Posted 10-07-2016 04:12

  • says :
    This is an interesting event :) I will surely participate in this
    Posted 09-07-2016 19:50

  • says :
    Yeah !
    Nice one :)
    Posted 09-07-2016 14:45

  • says :
    Very interesting event of the month. I find all the contents so interesting but I will definitely post my favourite contents.
    Posted 08-07-2016 19:25

  • says :
    wow that's a nice event!
    Posted 08-07-2016 00:52

  • says :
    Nice event
    Posted 08-07-2016 00:32

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    Great event. I have participated and will advice all my friends to rummage through the site and participate too.
    Posted 07-07-2016 14:43

  • says :
    Thank you 'Tunza Eco Generation' for organizing this event!!
    Posted 07-07-2016 13:16

  • says :
    Nice activity for the month. I look forward to being part of the first three. &#128522
    Posted 07-07-2016 05:57

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