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[World] Top 20 countries and cities in February 2015

by Eco Generation | 02-03-2015 14:56 Comments 7 Comments

Top 20 countries and cities in Feb 2015
Dear Tunza Eco-generation members,

We are happy to announce the first Top 20 countries and cities  of Tunza Eco-generation in January 2015.

Top 20 in Feb 2015 at Tunza Eco-generation

We could find  Vietnam on our Top 20 countries list this month! Nice to meet you guys in Vietnam!
This seems to be because of the 14th Ambassador recruitment. 
And Sharjah the third largest and most populous city of the UAE got its first place back.
We can guess many ambassadors in the UAE visited Tunza Eco-generation often in February. 

We think this is because of the preparations of 2015 Global Youth Eco-Leadership Summit. We do hope to meet some of the delegates in February at the Summit to be held in Seoul, Korea.

We do appreciate your visits and feedback to our events and platforms as always!
We look forward to meeting many other countries and cities next month as well!

Thank you and all the best,
Eco-generation team


  • says :
    @Bindu I guess the rank will improve upcoming months for Nepal as there're you, rahul and many more from Nepal :D
    Posted 11-03-2015 13:45

  • says :
    Yeay~ Korea took the 2nd place :D What happened in Gwacheon-si last month?!?!
    Posted 11-03-2015 13:45

  • says :
    Good news!Sharjah topped!Shows active participation of members...Good job Tunza Eco-Generation for motivating everybody by updating positions every month.Congratulations to all Top 20 cities and countries.
    Posted 03-03-2015 16:04

  • says :
    Nepal has dropped down to 6th position whereas Kathmandu has stepped up to 3rd position. No worries, we will be trying to improve next time. Congratulations to the first Top 20 countries and cities in the month of January. Welcome Vietnam to the Top 20 list :)
    Posted 03-03-2015 00:12

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Sharjah in 1st place , wonderful!
    Would try to maintain this sweet spot.
    Thanks Eco Gen.
    Posted 03-03-2015 00:04

  • says :
    Wow! Great to know my country UAE is 3rd and my city Dubai too is showing an upward trend. More active participation from Dubai could be the final ingredient to level up with other cities across the world:)
    Posted 02-03-2015 20:19

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Woo Hoo! Sharjah on the top! Congrats to India too! Really happy to see Gwacheon-si come to second place from not even being in the top 20 previously! Congrats to all...this post every month by Tunza Eco-Gen actually motivates us to do a lot better and visit more frequently!
    Posted 02-03-2015 17:49

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