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[India] Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition in India

by Eco Generation | 25-09-2014 17:40 Comments 4 Comments

2014 EEC India

Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition in India
to select national delegates to 2015 Global Youth Eco-Leadership Summit


Samsung Engineering would like to offer opportunities to the students in India to participate in ¡°2015 Global Youth Eco-Leadership Summit¡± which is the biggest global environment forum for youth in Korea by sponsoring the competition winners of the Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition.

Two winners of the competition will be given the opportunity to engage in the 2015 Global Youth Eco-Leadership Summit which includes Global Youth for the Environment Forum, cultural exchange program and excursions in Seoul, Korea in order to advance their awareness, role and commitment for the environmental conservation and protection. The trip to GYELS in Korea will be in February 11 and will be fully sponsored by Samsung Engineering.



  • says :
    Wow! this is a great chance for the indians to show their skills in essay writings
    Posted 23-10-2014 22:14

  • Burton Dorley says :
    great opportunity for Indians show how u can analyze and do critical writing
    Posted 23-10-2014 20:28

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    A good chance for the Indians to show their creativity and knowledge. Good luck for all the Indian applicants :)
    Posted 26-09-2014 15:48

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What a fantastic opportunity for those in India. GYELS is truely an enriching and lifetime experience so fellow members in India , pl put in your best to win this .
    Posted 25-09-2014 23:23

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