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[World] Winner Announcement of Monthly Event for June

by Eco Generation | 30-06-2014 16:42 Comments 11 Comments

Winner Announcement of Monthly Event for June

Dear All Eco-generation members,
Have you celebrated the World Environment Day 2014 in your own style?
We received amazing stories on the WED celebration from many Eco-generation members.
And all stories were really inspiring and made us even more enthusiastic.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for all valuable WED stories.

Now, we would like to announce the winner of the Monthly Event for June.
It was really hard to select only 1 entry among dozens of inspiring stories.

But there's a story really heart-touching and inspiring.
We would like to share this story with all of the Eco-generation members.

The winner of the Monthly Event for June is,

Udeh Chiagozie!!!

He is the 12th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Nigeria.
He had so little resource to do any environmental awareness program to celebrate the WED.
But he did more than what we had believed he could possibly do.

He made countless contacts to the State government to catch the opportunity to deliver his speech for the environment protection and he made it in an amazing way.
Udeh 1
Udeh 2  

To spread his message even further, he made an interview at a radio station and made a real great interview lasted 1 hour!
Udeh 3 

And to educate the future generation of Nigeria, he made an environmental education lecture at school!
Udeh 4 
Udeh 5

He brought things looking impossible into reality to save the mother nature.
He wrote what he has done in a great detail on 2 posts.
You can read his whole story by clicking the links below and we strongly recommend to read them, you will get inspired from his postings for sure.

Thank you!

Eco-generation team


  • says :
    Keep up the good work Udeh! :D
    Posted 11-07-2014 16:41

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Many congratulations Udeh, you did a great work!
    Posted 08-07-2014 11:27

  • says :
    Posted 06-07-2014 19:01

  • Burton Dorley says :
    Many many congratulations to u Udeh
    Posted 01-07-2014 19:12

  • says :
    Thanks so much TUNZA Eco-Generation.
    I am humbled by this recognition. That my story touched my hearts inspires me the more.
    I hope to continue making TUNZA Eco-Generation proud.
    Thank you so much TUNZA Eco-Generation for this opportunity. Thank you so much,I really appreciate.
    Thanks also to all Eco-Generation members for your kind words.
    Posted 01-07-2014 14:24

  • says :
    Wow... congratulations Udeh! :D
    Posted 01-07-2014 13:28

  • says :
    Congratulations Udeh!! a well deserved recognition from Tunza, you did a great job reaching to the state government!!
    Posted 30-06-2014 19:40

  • says :
    many many congratulation Uden.
    Posted 30-06-2014 18:24

  • says :
    well deserved, keep it up
    Posted 30-06-2014 18:22

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Congrats Udeh , very well deserving , your reports showed how much efforts and with what sincerity you had put in for that event and also showed your passion for environment. Great.
    Posted 30-06-2014 17:32

Dharmendra Kapri

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