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[World] Theme of the year 2014

by Eco Generation | 08-01-2014 16:27 Comments 23 Comments

theme of the year 2014

   Since we had launched the TUNZA Eco-generation networking platform, we've witnessed the potential of young people during the last several years. Though Samsung Engineering and UNEP had provided this platform, we've been thinking that the real ownership belongs to the members of Tunza Eco-generation.

    We believe that environmental campaigns and articles reported by Eco-generation members highly encourage the whole Eco-generation members to live in eco-friendly way. Also we've witnessed that reported environmental campaigns made chain reactions letting other environmentally aware Eco-generation members do the same or do even better. All the contributions by Eco-generation members changed Tunza Eco-generation website positively into a whole different type of network platform. And it made us deeply trust the power of the young crowd.

   To prove our belief that your voluntary contribution on this network platform is the key to maximize Tunza Eco-generation's role on making healthier mother earth, we have decided to set our theme of the year as 'the power of young crowd'. Therefore, whole programs of Tunza Eco-generation will be operated based on the theme of 'the power of young crowd'. Any benefits of Eco-generation programs will be given to the members who dedicated the most to create the crowd-sourced contents, who participated in Eco-generation programs honestly and who warmly encouraged other members the most.

You can see some examples as below here:

Monthly Event

   We would like to gather your collective intelligence through Monthly Event from this year. We will give you fun & interesting subject every month which requires your knowledge and experience. The application for Monthly Event should be detailed as much as possible because it will be formally shared on the Resources page as the contents of Tunza Eco-generation. Let's make contents of Eco-generation together using our crowd-sourced contents to raise awareness on the environment!


Best Member of the Quarter

   As we mentioned on the last notice '2014 Participation Guidelines(link)', Best Member of the Quarter will take the place of the Invite & Win Contest. The purpose of this is to express our gratitude to the member who genuinely dedicate to making Tunza Eco-generation network platform better by posting interesting & informative environmental articles and by encouraging Eco-generation members putting kind comments. 

We care about not only your own articles on the platform but also any suggestions and typos. Don't forget to let us know if you find any good idea! Your efforts make Tunza Eco-generation better!

We will announce the Best Member of the Quarter every quarter and award the Samsung gadgets to help the winners to post more vivid photos and more informative articles on Tunza Eco-generation networking platform.


   We do believe our united effort will be the power to combat the direst environmental problem that mankind is faced with. We will do appreciate it if you share your knowledge and experiences with the whole Eco-generation members to make Tunza Eco-generation as the most powerful environmental networking platform for children and youth.


Let's unite for the Mother Nature and show what we can do for the Earth!



Thank you!




Eco-generation Team





  • says :
    Nice theme, 'the power of young crowd'. The development and dedregation of our environment is determined by our activities on earth.
    Posted 19-05-2014 12:23

  • says :
    thats the superb.......
    Posted 16-05-2014 13:57

  • says :
    thats the superb...

    Posted 16-05-2014 13:56

  • says :
    Superb theme.....
    Posted 30-04-2014 13:35

  • says :
    Posted 28-04-2014 22:22

  • says :
    That is a wonderful and meaningful theme.
    Posted 13-04-2014 22:13

  • Neha Swaminathan says :
    Nice to know, the work lies in educating and empowering the crowd to act for nature.
    Posted 26-01-2014 23:36

  • says :
    The theme is well-defined. I also appreciated the term suggested by Dhiroj as "the dynamic power of Youth" instead of " Power of crowd". This theme will help members especially from the same country to unite their effort in working towards saving our planet earth.
    Thank you Eco - Generation for introducing such a theme.
    Posted 14-01-2014 04:33

  • says :
    I am convinced that the changes will be positively entrusted.
    Posted 11-01-2014 00:24

  • says :
    Excited about the changes,I am pretty optimistic that the changes made Will enhance the quality that everyone is expecting from the forum. Great step taken by Tunza Eco gen bravo!
    Posted 10-01-2014 19:40

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Dhiroj, we will make crowd-sourcing content together throughout the year! That's why we use the term 'CROWD' :) Of course, your 'The dynamic power of Youths' also seems to be really great! We'll use this term as well! Thanks
    Posted 10-01-2014 09:13

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Aaditya Singh, EXACTLY!!!!
    Posted 10-01-2014 09:11

  • says :
    the power of young crowd, I don't think crowd is a suitable term here. What about "The dynamic power of Youths" ?
    Posted 09-01-2014 20:54

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I'm very excited about this change. If all members work hard this will definitely benefit environment as only the concrete efforts are going to be recognized. All this must go to benefit our mother earth.
    Posted 09-01-2014 19:05

  • says :
    Yes we are all united & care for our mother earth. Thanks Eco-gen for this welcome change.
    Posted 09-01-2014 18:35

  • says :
    yeah the theme proposed is relevant in today's context and its good to mobilize youth in this regards.
    Posted 09-01-2014 16:03

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Great theme. Is it call 'Power of Young Crowd' for the crowdsourcing nature of the forum?
    Posted 09-01-2014 14:20

  • says :
    the power of young crowd, I don't think crowd is a suitable term here. What about "The dynamic power of Youths" ?
    Posted 09-01-2014 13:52

  • says :
    A well thought theme.. :D

    Posted 09-01-2014 02:36

  • says :
    The theme itself speaks a lot. Loved it.
    Posted 08-01-2014 23:12

  • says :
    you are doing the great job Eco generation and the theme of 2014 ie 'the power of young crowd' is awesome, now sure its time to get united for our mother nature and we young have such a massive power that we can change the world too, loved the theme.
    Posted 08-01-2014 22:58

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