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[World] Notice of account suspension

by Eco Generation | 14-11-2013 10:29 Comments 6 Comments

account suspension notice

Dear Eco-generation members,


We regret to inform you that several user accounts had been suspended temporarily due to plagiarism and inappropriate use of bulletin that lead discourage of other members who want to share their local environmental reports.

Although prior notice and request to replace the postings had been made individually, in spite of our requests, there was no improvement. Thus Eco-generation Team had to suspend temporarily their usernames to keep the fairness of the competition.


The suspended usernames are listed as below

  •   FebinX619
  •   Arunraju007
  •   ajalapoos
  •   arun619
  •   Alousiya2000
  •   ARUN321


Although Activity points makes up 50% of 2014 Global Youth for the Environment Forum delegate selection, well-written CV and integrity of applicant also makes up 50% of the selection, which is very crucial criteria in evaluation procedure.


Each page of TUNZA Eco-generation website has its own purpose and users are required to use each pages complying with the tacit rules of the page.

In case of severe violation on it, Eco-generation Administrator shall warn the user or suspend the user¡¯s account.

Also inappropriate articles will be deleted and the accrued point will be automatically deleted too.


When you post something and gather activity points, please pay attention to 3 things below.

  •  1.  Please do not violate copyright law.
  •  2.  Please post articles or comments suitable to the purpose of the page.
  •  3.  Please do not post meaningless words or article to merely gain the activity points.

Also when you see anyone making inappropriate behavior on this website, please let the administrator know via Eco-generation¡¯s official e-mail address at ecogeneration@samsung.com


We wish there will be no more Eco-generation member getting their account suspended as we see each of our member as valuable and precious person.


Thank you!


Eco-generation Team


  • says :
    thanks...but the rules should be more clear
    Posted 12-12-2013 13:55

  • says :
    Very well done! :D
    Posted 21-11-2013 23:19

  • says :
    I hope the suspension of some accounts would be an example for next to prohibit copying.
    Posted 21-11-2013 01:23

  • says :
    Posted 19-11-2013 20:33

  • says :
    It is really a great decision to maintain the justice and fairness of the site. It is a crucial part of the policy of any distinguished site or institution to have a code of conduct to establish mutual respect to the rules and regulations. We are here to share fruitful ideas and personal experiences for the welfare of our environment and our dear mother nature.
    Thanks a lot Eco-generation Team
    Posted 19-11-2013 15:52

  • says :
    good step by Tunza Eco gen to keep the competition fair..Best of luck guys.
    Posted 18-11-2013 02:30

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