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[World] Monthly Event for August 2013

by Eco Generation | 07-08-2013 16:33 Comments 35 Comments

Monthly Event for August

Dear Eco-generation friends,

As we promised, we are back with fun monthly event for August for you!

It is...?

Renew Your Self-Introduction and Win What YOU Want!

Period: Aug 8 ~ 31

Change your current photo and Message for other members so that other Eco-generation members can easily get to know you.

Member profile image

The 1st place winner will be given 
Samsung 1TB Portable memory station 
Samsung HD Smart Camera

souvenirs image  

It means, if you become the 1st place winner, you can chose the gift and its color :^D

There will also be sweet souvenirs for the Top 5 winners(The souvenir is to be decided) 

Of course the winners' self-introduction image will be shared via the notice page so that other members can get to know them well. 

To learn more about this event, please click this <link>.


  • says :
    Good Work
    Posted 26-12-2013 20:52

  • says :
    Posted 26-12-2013 20:52

  • says :
    My self,
    Shibajyoti, a primary school boy,
    Growing in India with love and joy,
    Hardly any points are found new,
    To introduce myself to all of you.

    All the green lovers and innovators
    Making the world cleaner and greener,
    Your effective actions on green drive,
    Working with Tunza for the earth to survive.

    I am
    Trying to follow your same green road,
    Your green guidelines, trying to explode.
    To save the nature of our mother earth,
    To protect millions of lives since their birth.

    At the age of six,
    Once tried to save many innocent creatures,
    That pulled me to think on saving nature.
    Parents guided during exploring our country,
    That, work for saving nature is mandatory.

    At seven,
    When I was a student of class two,
    Guided by teachers for green actions to do,
    Involved us in plantation at school,
    That first green action was very joyful.

    At eight,
    Beside play and fight with friends a lot,
    Kept water on pot to save birds in hot,
    My few actions and arts brought surprises,
    At local level, got few gifts and prizes.

    At nine,
    My art on ¡°google 4 doodle ¡° contest,
    Among the Indian children was considered as best.
    My art on safety at railway level crossings,
    Got the International prize on your blessings.

    At ten,
    Participated in energy saving and peace drives,
    Got ¡° Tata Alankar award ¡± and kept the spirit alive.
    Campaigning on ¡° save the frogs¡± in spare times.
    Spreading messages by arts, poems and rhymes.

    With sister
    Formed a nature club with local children,
    Took part in green drives even in heavy rain.
    Tried to develop many creative ideas jointly,
    Our effort will help to upgrade society gradually.

    So far,
    Planted hundred saplings every year,
    Managed to clean our area with great care.
    Beside green actions at local level at Jamshedpur.
    Shared peace messages under PPI ambassador tour.

    This year,
    Selected my green idea as third best,
    In ¡°EPSON Smartest young Indian contest¡±.
    Spreading awareness on ¡°party Greenness score¡±.
    As rewards got laptop, printer and few more,

    Trying to work in few green projects,
    Reduction of woods in packaging set ,
    Posted few reports in Eco-gen website,
    Working to proper use of water and light.

    Effective more green works yet to come ,
    Planning to do real work without beating drum,
    Want to improve the global eco-friendly map ,
    Not by lecture or seminar, but filling the gap.

    Lastly ,
    I love to see cartoon in Television,
    Till managing time for green creation,
    Playing cricket is my passion,
    It is tough to share such self introduction,

    Posted 01-09-2013 16:09

  • says :
    Posted 31-08-2013 01:57

  • says :
    wonderful opportunity I like it
    Posted 30-08-2013 22:03

  • says :
    Great opportunity I have done it, wish to win!
    Posted 28-08-2013 21:42

  • says :
    Novel concept.

    Posted 27-08-2013 17:37

Aaditya Singh

  • says :
    @Mahsinur There's no error found on that page. You can upload one by one then :) Don't worry.
    Posted 21-08-2013 16:43

  • says :
    @Christy and E-gen: I am having a problem with submitting the two photos at a time..............should I upload them one by one????? I can make a photo collage..... if needed.......(Making two pictures into 1 picture) Please hurry up for the feedback............And does the photos need any further description??????
    Posted 20-08-2013 13:15

  • says :
    @Md. Saidur If there are further updates, multiple application is available. No need to change username. Picture and self-introduction comment are equally important.
    Posted 19-08-2013 17:16

  • says :
    This is awesome! Maybe someday i will win a car too. The car will enable me travel to various areas in my state to make my photos and research.
    Posted 19-08-2013 15:37

  • says :
    Wow! Keep the fingers crossed...
    Posted 18-08-2013 19:39

  • says :
    Good Work! :)
    Posted 17-08-2013 21:29

  • says :

    Posted 17-08-2013 20:04

  • says :
    How will be the judgement? how many times one change the intro and photo?or how creative the content is? is it needed to change username also?
    Posted 16-08-2013 15:07

  • says :
    @Anne Click the link and find criteria :D
    Posted 14-08-2013 14:43

  • says :
    How do we win? Random draw?
    Posted 14-08-2013 09:36

  • says :
    wow, this is perky
    Posted 14-08-2013 09:26

  • says :
    Posted 12-08-2013 13:14

  • says :
    nice one...
    Posted 11-08-2013 00:09

  • says :
    Realy interestng comptn
    Posted 10-08-2013 18:06

  • says :
    Very Nice.
    Posted 09-08-2013 15:37

  • says :
    really nice

    Posted 09-08-2013 12:40

  • says :
    i think i will take part..

    Posted 09-08-2013 01:45

  • says :
    Innovative! Everyone will join this time!!!
    Posted 08-08-2013 21:13

  • says :
    great ..
    Posted 08-08-2013 17:54

  • says :
    good event

    Posted 08-08-2013 08:27

  • says :
    Good luck for everyone~~:^)
    Posted 08-08-2013 08:06

  • Arushi Madan says :
    interesting and unique.
    Posted 08-08-2013 05:43

  • says :
    hahaha good opportunity :") and I really need a camera for my report, cause my digital camera was broken :'(
    Posted 08-08-2013 01:49

  • says :
    wow, like the concept..
    Posted 07-08-2013 23:16

  • says :
    wow, this event seems fun.
    Posted 07-08-2013 21:45

  • says :
    wow, i like this oppertunity. best of luck everyone!!!!!!!!
    Posted 07-08-2013 20:06

  • says :
    great opportunity!
    Posted 07-08-2013 19:54

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