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[World] Announcement of the 11th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador

by Eco Generation | 03-09-2013 11:12 Comments 16 Comments

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Dear Eco-generation members,

Eco-generation would like to announce the list of 
The 11th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors.

For the details, please check the link:

Thank you!

Eco-generation Team


  • says :
    Posted 26-12-2013 20:57

  • says :
    Thanks for this
    Posted 26-12-2013 20:56

  • says :
    thanks for this amazing oportunity..????

    Posted 09-09-2013 15:18

  • says :
    Thanks Eco Gen team for considering me for the 11th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors.
    Let me try to fulfill the expectation.
    Posted 08-09-2013 00:16

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks Eco Gen for this amazing opportunity. Congo and All the best to all my fellow new and extended ambassadors. lets all join hands to bring a postive change.
    Posted 06-09-2013 18:26

  • says :
    Thanx.....E-gen for the wonderful oppurtunity...... :)
    Posted 06-09-2013 15:01

  • Neha Swaminathan says :
    Thank you Eco-Gen, Congratulations to all friends, welcome all to learn and work together as ambassadors
    Posted 04-09-2013 02:22

  • says :
    Thank you and Congratz to all!
    Posted 03-09-2013 21:33

  • says :
    congratulation all! thanks for best luck for me, I've never expected it before :D feel surprised!
    Posted 03-09-2013 21:32

  • Czar Demeterio says :
    Congrats to the newly selected ambassadors as well as those who have continued their terms. We can all do this ambassadors! :D
    Posted 03-09-2013 21:25

  • says :
    Thank you and congratulations to all! I am blissed and motivated to go even further.
    Posted 03-09-2013 18:27

  • says :
    Congratulation to all. and thank you very much for the selection, eco-generation team.
    Posted 03-09-2013 12:27

  • says :
    Thank you very very much for extending my term..
    Posted 03-09-2013 11:44

  • says :
    Heartily Thanks to ecogeneration for selecting me again.
    Posted 03-09-2013 11:30

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