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Greetings from the 10th remaining Ambassadors

by Eco Generation | 11-03-2013 09:53 Comments 35 Comments

10th remaining Ambassadors

 Greetings from the 10th remaining Ambassadors_01

Bam Leviste Azores

Eco-generation Ambassador to the Philippines

Hi everyone! This is Bam from the Philippines and I just want to say hello and how happy I am to be part of the 10th Eco-Generation Ambassadors. Thank you to the TUNZA Eco-Gen team for extending my term.

I have been a member of Eco-Gen for the longest time since 2008. I am now in third year high school at Canossa College in San Pablo City, Laguna which is also called the City of the Seven Lakes. Google them == they are Sampaloc, Bunot, Mojicap, Palakpakin, Calibato, Pandin and Yambo Lakes. My advocacy is to help in protecting our seven lakes and our watershed.


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Rajashree Choudhury

Eco-generation Ambassador to India

Dear All Nature-Lovers,

I am Rajashree Choudhury , a girl of 11 years from Jamshedpur, India. Recently I have been promoted to grade Six in Little Flower School, Jamshedpur. My dad Mr. S.B.Choudhury is working M/s. Tata Motors ltd, My mom Mrs. Rina Choudhury is House wife. I have one brother Shibajyoti . With transfer of my dad from Jamshedpur to Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh, India , we are also shifting to Jabalpur.

  Situation of our area  pulled me around 3 years  back to work for  environment protection.  With encouragement of our parents and school teachers , we  have realised that we need to work for  saving our nature and earth. We formed and nature club in Jharkhand state and around 1500 nos. children are working for the common mission.  We all are trying get innovate effectively for saving nature and involving  our team members  different projects like  plantation, energy saving , waste management  , spreading Awareness on nature protection through arts and lectures etc.

 With best wishes to all our Eco-Gen friends

 Rajashree Choudhury


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Dhiroj Prasad Koirala

Eco-generation Ambassador to Nepal

Hi! I'm Dhiroj Prasad Koirala from Nepal. I'm B.Sc forestry student and I love my mother nature very much. I'm also working as student and youth ambassador of World Congress on access to post secondary education. I also have volunteering experience on World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Nepal. I hope the ambassadorial opportunity provided by TUNZA will help to keep our mother earth alive for ever.


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Prabhul S Kumar

Eco-generation Ambassador to India

I am a 20 year old youngster from India and also an Active Member of South Asia Youth Environment network for the past 3 years. A person who likes to play with mike as a debater, speaker, a case study analyst and also a quizzer .  As  a representative of SAYEN  i have organized  different activities for environment conservation as well actively participated in  different conferences . The following are the list of Activities i was involved which shows my interest towards preserving our environment

Actively participated in the Earth Charter +10 conference

Involved in preparing an Environment Education model for students 

Tree plantation at police headquarters

Research on the green spots

NDTV Greenathon

Cycle Rally with CEPT students to promote environment friendly ways  of transportation

Parking day

Actively participated in creating a Movie for Save water campaign

Lead role in many activities organized  as a part of world environment  day celebration

Organized two painting competition for SAYEN

Invited and attended COP11

Invited to Tunza International Youth conference in Kenya

Moreover I am also involved with UNEP Tunza Ecogeneration as the Regional Ambassador to India from last august . As my duty as a  E-gen Regional Ambassadors i have been able to take various roles to promote and raise positive awareness of the environment, through various events and awareness campaigns which i organized during my last term as the ambassador.

  I am also an active member of Earth Charter Youth group an initiative of Earth charter International to promote Earth charter and its activities among the youth. I am one of the co-ordinators of Earth charter Youth Group of India.


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Guru Vishnu Mathivanan

Eco-generation Ambassador to India

I am Guru Vishnu Mathivanan from India.  I am 11 years old.  I represent the region Asia Pacific. I have been doing my environmental work "Global Warming Awareness Motto and Tree Plantation" for the past 7 years that is from my age of four. I take this as my life project till our earth turns green and clean.  I like music.


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Simran Gurdasani

Eco-generation Ambassador to the UAE

Life is a wonderful journey where we all should enjoy every moment and make use of every opportunity to share and spread happiness.

Thank you TUNZA for giving me this opportunity to share my experiences with the amazing people around the world. Being a part of Tunza gives us a win-win situation wherein we not only get a chance to share our experiences but also get an excellent opportunity to grow and learns from the involvements of other members also.

I have been associated with the green world from the very day I was born.my childhood was always surrounded by plants and flowers. Participation in the green activities started out at a very young age.it was indeed a routine for my family to take me out to buy plants. Also most of the gifts that we gave to our family and friends were in the form of plants and flowers.so you see the gifting of plants is in my blood.

Also this love of nature and mother earth made me take part in various activities and I am an active member and leader of the environment club in my school, also a member of EEG,EMEG,EWS,VID ====organizations that focus on making this world a greener and beautiful place.

I am a graphic designer and have a passion for photography and nature is my subject in most of my photography projects.i share my pictures on my photography page .

 Also I love making posters to spread awareness. Just recently I have started a face book group by the name of TEAM wherein I share my posters and also spread awareness on numerous topics that are close to my heart.

Being a member of the Toastmasters guild gives me an excellent opportunity to spread awareness on various environmental issues.

The support of all my teachers, friends and family has helped to achieve excellent results in all environmental projects that I have taken. Tunza has been of great support in helping me spread my message to the world.

A message to all of us that I read some time back??..The decision to start living green is an important part of every individual's commitment to care for a planet that has been more than generous to its billions of inhabitants. It will lead you to a more meaningful and healthier life, and will also be greatly appreciated by future generations who presently depend on us to ensure that they will still have a healthy world to inherit and enjoy when their time comes.

Do chek out my photography page:


And TEAM group


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Alberta Yoo

Eco-generation Ambassador to the USA

First of all, I am really honored to be in the league of really talented and passionate people. My name is Alberta Yoo, a 8th grader attending an international school in Seoul. Outside the green interests, I am a junior reporter to the Korea Times and play first violin at Red Cross Youth Orchestra.

I have been with E-gen since 5th grade, and it has been a great experience for me. I have learned a lot through my fellow ambassadors articles, got inspired tremendously by their action and commitment. It encourages me to work and participate more active with local environmental issues.

E-gen as a platform, I hope we will share the visions for the greener future. If you guys need any help from me for your cause, please feel free to let me know!! I will be only glad to help!! ^^*


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Osama Noor

Eco-generation Ambassador to Bangladesh

Hello, this is Osama Bin Noor. While I was in class 9, I started writing for a newspaper called ?Shomotol?, the first community-newspaper in Bangladesh. Being a journalist I witnessed first-hand various crimes, violation of human rights, problems etc. But I was unable to do anything. Neither did I have an idea of how to solve these issues. After completion of high school, I got a scholarship at the Bangladesh Youth Leadership Centre for a four-month long leadership training program entitled ?Building Bridges Through Leadership Training.? A month of academic studies and 3 months of field work taught me various skills in community-based activities. It also increased in me the sense of responsibility and love for my country.

 I was appointed as a Tunza Eco Generation ambassador for Bangladesh on August 2013. During my 6 month tenure I have worked to raise awareness about environment among primary school students. I am affiliated with numerous environmental organizations of Bangladesh and abroad. I primarily work with the environment sector and I think it is of utmost important because if we can not save our mother Earth then all our other work will go futile. In this regard I have been doing volunteery work in Bangladesh for the last 3 years.

I would have one request, motivated by 13-year old German Felix

Stop Talking, Plz do something.


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Bambang Sutrisno

Eco-generation Ambassador to Indonesia

Hello All the Ambassadors! Glad to know you? :)

I'm Bambang Sutrisno, or call me Bambang for short. I?m an Undergraduate student of Electrical Engineering in University of Indonesia especially in concentration Electrical Power and Energy Studies. I?m interesting in Environment, education, social and leadership. I learned the environmental issues since I was in senior high school which I joined extracurricular program named Green School. With my contribution in Green School, I got chance to join Teens Go Green (TGG), a youth-led community in empowering young people to have knowledge and take action to take care the environment based on ecosystem approach since 2008 when it was established. I become a pioneer to develop this organization widely till now. Here, I?m as Coordinator of Campaign and Research. From this organization, I got chance to involved in many activities such as Edu Camp, Birdwatching, Trash Buster, Ajang Kreasi, Enviromental Expo, training, environmental education, Urban Project, voluntary action, etc.

My recent social and environmental activities are running some project and campaign with my community. I recently get involved in Sanggar Pesisir Project (A project based on empowering and educating people in Jakarta Bay), running Styrofoam? No, Thanks! Campaign, TGG Act for Indonesia Project (Social Project), Urban Project Birdwatching in the City and joined in Group Conservation of Cisadane and Ciliwung watershed collaborated with other community in the same issue. Some of my activities give me a chance to get an award in some competition such as 3rd Place Social and Art Student Achievement Competition 2012 in Faculty of Engineering UI, the winner Call for Act Future Green City 2011 from Ministry of Public Works Indonesia and 1st winner in Short Video Campaign Competition 2011.


Finally, I realize that becoming a young leader and environmentalist person give me a responsible to contribute to present better world future for the next generation.


Thank You and Warm Regards,


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Neha Swaminathan

Eco-generation Ambassador to the Middle East

Good Green Day Buddy,

I am Neha Swaminathan, in Grade VII at Delhi Private School, Sharjah. I represent the Middle East in the 10th Ambassador term after being the UAE Ambassador for the past 1 year.

 I am a girl who loves every day as it dawns and pursue an active day with enthusiasm. My passion is Dancing with more than probably 250 dance shows across UAE in different dance forms. I am actively pursuing my singing classes and improving my skills. My other favourite is Mental Arithmetic which I have done ever since I was 5 years - this has also given me the opportunity to travel across  Asia and Far East over the past 6 years and given me many winnings.

 Apart from these skills, I have varied hobbies ranging from Drawing, Fashion shows, Arts and Crafts, Athletics, Essay writing, Fun games etc

 I believe every moment is to be lived and enjoyed – mainly in developing skills when I am young and using the spare time to do something useful to the community and country. This is how I got drawn into Environmental domain primarily by exposure through my school and then through Emirates Environmental Group and portals like Eco-generation. The latest major event has been GYEF 2013 at Seoul which I attended, learnt, enjoyed and now carry fond memories.

 It is a pity the world has reached a desperate state. I believe every problem has its opportunity as well and the present Eco knowledge gathered and being spread around will show its benefits in a few years. Rome was not built in a day and I do believe the collective team of people like us and many more, who spearhead the change in attitude and resort to green practices are going to be the change leaders making the Earth continue its spin and sustainability. So let us all collectively contribute to a better world. In the process will come many wins and failures - as long as we enjoy this as fun and continue our run, we would have achieved our aim.

 I believe in keeping my goals short and sweet. My vision for the Third Millennium is so short to say "Meaningful Life on Earth for all". Life and food are inseparable and I have been focusing on reducing Food Waste as a primary campaign since the past few years. I follow my slogan "Reduce Food Waste, Else we cannot rewrite our fate"

 I felt the photo below is the most apt to display on Eco-gen site. This was taken at the Samsung Engineering Corporation Headquarters at Seoul and shows a glimpse of the great green initiatives by Samsung Engineering group, without which we all may not be knowing each other.

 I take this opportunity in welcoming All Eco-gen Ambassadors and send my warm greetings to all of them. I also wish to thank the wonderful people at Eco-generation, who have been our mentors and motivators for the Green Revolution.

 Wishing success to all friends, Bye for now


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Kehkashan Basu

Eco-generation Ambassador to the Middle East

Hello - Green crusaders!

My name is Kehkashan and I am the Regional Ambassador for the Middle East.I am 12 years old and for the last 5 years I have been working to mobilise children and youth towards obtaining the Future We Want which is based on the principles of sustainability. I was the youngest participating international delegate at Rio+20 and also at the UNFCCC COP18 conference on Climate change in Qatar. My work has resulted in my getting elected as Global Coordinator for UNEP's Major Groups for Children and Youth and I am now a member of UNEP's Major Groups Facilitating Committee. This is the first time a child has held this position in UNEP . I recently attended UNEP's Global Major Groups Stakeholders Forum and the First Universal Session of the Governing Council . I had the honour of speaking at the closing ceremony of the Governing Council , which was attended by Environment ministers from across the world and also by the Exec Director of UNEP and the head of UNFCCC. As a youth leader , I will continue to involve children and youth in the planning , policy making and implementation of sustainability initiatives regionally and globally.


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Unmesh Datta

Eco-generation Ambassador to the UAE

I am a self motivated, traditional young energetic teenager who has been taught that values are the most important thing in life and my motto is 'Chase the excellence, success will follow'.

I have a very multifaceted skill sets and talents constitutes of Public speaking, music, acting, quizzing, writing and I am a voracious reader who has the hobby of photography, stamp collecting and coin collection.

Since I read the article in national geographic few years back that the 3rd world war may start due to water crisis around the world, I became totally aligned to the environmental issues around us and specially on water and electricity conversations. I am playing very active role with Emirates Environment group?s recycling campaign and TUNZA Eco generation.

I started an environment group with my friends and their families in Sharjah named 'Green Brigade' to spread awareness among the people in our community on various environmental issues. We are more than 60 members in our group and have started our quarterly newsletter named ?Green Vision? and have conducted many events in last 1 year to spread awareness on environmental issues in various ways...

I believe firmly that each day/moment is a learning day/moment in our life and this only lead us to become a true human being....last 1 year with Tunza was an amazing experience for me and hope that this association will continue...welcome all the new new ambassadors on board...greetings to the known faces...



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Simran Vedvyas

Eco-generation Ambassador to the Middle East


I am Simran Vedvyas

I am proud to be the youngest torch bearer chosen from the region by Samsung Gulf Electronics having carried the esteemed Olympic Flame during the London 2012 Olympic Games. I was one of the only six chosen from UAE and nine from the entire region

Winner of 4 Prestigious Academic Awards of UAE straight, and also twice – Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Makhtoum Award for Distinguished Academic Performance 2012, 2009 and Sharjah Educational Award for Academic Excellence 2012, 2008

Talented in public speaking, drama, dance, creative writing, art, and computers I am passionate about reading and also enjoy photography, ice skating, swimming and listening to music. I have an impressive collection of coins and I am interested in learning and bringing the civilizations together. I have traveled to over two dozen countries and enjoy visiting several Wonders of the World, special attractions, museums and memorial places.

Significant Participation-

Delegate for World Future Energy Summit 2013 and First International Water Summit 2013 held during Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week 2013

One Day on Earth 12.12.12 - 2012 Tree Planting and Clean Up UAE organized by EEG, held in Abu Dhabi, Dubai- Decembrer 2012

Clean Up 2012 Clean Up UAE organized by Dubai Municipality and Clean Up the World, held at Mamzar Beach, Dubai- November 2012

Have received Award for the Clean Up since 2007 till 2012 Five consecutive years

UNFCCC Doha COP18 - 2012 United Nations Climate Change Conference, held in Qatar, Doha- November- December 2012

UNEP West Asia Regional Major Groups and Stakeholders Consultation, Dubai, UAE, 19-20 November 2012

Official Delegation - First World Energy Forum 2012, held in Dubai UAE- October 2012

WE Model United Nations Conference (WEMUN)  Outstanding Delegate Award Beijing China- July 2012

International Youth Forum 2012 New Delhi India, -June 2012

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Rio + 20 Summit -Youth Blast, Side Events and preparatory meetings- June 2012

I stood up on the UNEP stage and was an invited speaker for Eye on Environmental Education by Eye on Earth which is an initiative by AGEDI, Environment Agency Abu Dhabi and UNEP- June 2012

Delegate 6TH World Water Forum, Marseille, France focusing on Time for Solutions?- March 2012

I participated with Youth Groups during drafting of Youth Vision, closing session What Next? and commitments at World Water Forum March 2012

South Asia & Gulf Region-Round Square Regional Conference, held at The Millennium School, Dubai UAE March 2012 At  Be the Change  themed Round Square Conference, I conducted an Interactive Student Workshop

WETEX 2012, promoted  Every Drop Matters , UN initiative promoted by EEG

Winner and Delegate for attending the 2012 Global Youth for the Environment Forum held at Seoul, South Korea, hosted by Samsung Engineering and Korea Green Foundation invited with all-expenses paid trip as delegate – February 2012

Invited Delegate for attending the Eye on Earth Summit 2011 held at Abu Dhabi under the auspices and patronage of Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of UAE, focusing on the Sustainable Development and Road to Rio 20+ December?2011

Participated in Hypothetical conducted by Sir Geoffrey Robertson and 14 Leading Environmentalists  and made a Presentation as Speaker at Eye on Earth Summit 2011 December 2011


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Ganga Datt

Eco-generation Ambassador to Nepal

hello,I am the student of the agriculture at Tribhuwan University  and i have have keen interest to work with the impact of the climate change in the agriculture it's adaptation and for the sustainable agriculture development.


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Naylee Nagda

Eco-generation Ambassador to Kenya

Hey fellow ambassadors!

My name is Naylee Nagda and i am from Kenya! I am passionate about the environment and am the leader for our school Eco club. I enjoy taking part in environmental activities, art, writing, photography and badminton! I currently speak 4 languages English, French, Gujarati and Kiswahili. I am hope to interact with all of you and get a chance to learn about each of you.

Here is my picture!


  Greetings from the 10th remaining Ambassadors_16

Balraj Arpit

Eco-generation Ambassador to the Asia Pacific

One of the esteemed entrepreneur & leader of the World who?d initiated Green Youth Generation in 2011 and within a year, he has spreaded this organization in more than 30 countries across the Globe. He has excellent convincing power/ability to convince people for right work. Environmental enthusiast, aware and motivate people for sustainable development. Ability to do anything whatever he want for better future of present and next generation. Believe in six letter word ?C-H-A-N-G-E?.

  Greetings from the 10th remaining Ambassadors_17

Madhav Datt

Eco-generation Ambassador to the Asia Pacific

Hello Everyone,


I am Madhav, a 16 year old high school student from India, and also an environmental enthusiast. When I was an eight year old, I ended up joining our school's environmental club - where we all talked about environmental issues but there was no action.

 So I got along with a group of friends and started Green the Gene, and since then we have been taking up and mobilizing youth to initiate small scale projects for positive environmental action.

 Those who would like a more serious and formal introduction here is one:-

 Madhav Datt, is a 16 year old, eleventh grader from India an environment enthusiast, who founded International youth organization Green the Gene in 2004, to mobilize and inspire youth to work for positive environmental change, through his activities, action oriented projects and grassroots organizing.

Green the Gene is an international youth run organization, founded by Madhav Datt along with a small group of youth, concerned, passionate and determined to do something about the environment and the society. It started out as an environmental club in 2004 and since then, over the past 8 years, our campaigns, grassroots organizing, projects, events and mass public actions are being led from the bottom up by students and youth from schools and universities across 42 countries, who have decided to be the change and through whom we are successfully building a global grassroots movement for environmental change across the world.

For his dedicated work in the field of Environment, he was honored with the title of ?Youth Environmentalist of the Year? by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, and has represented India and been invited to speak at various international summits and forums on the environment, youth empowerment, leadership and social entrepreneurship, and as a part of the drafting committees of youth recommendations to various governments.

He represents the 700 million youth of the 47 countries of the Asia Pacific Region, as the United Nations Environment Program Eco-Generation Ambassador. As the Outreach Team Leader and Facilitator at the UNCSD MGCY, he has been working to mobilize children and youth to take active part in the Rio+20 conference, and UNEP Governing Council. He is actively involved in various youth and environmental initiatives as the President of 'Wake up Call India' and is also an elected member of the Global Board at Plant for the Planet.

He is also the initiator and host of 'Inspiration'- one of India's most sought after annual inter-school event. His brainchild initiative - "The Environmental Evangelist Program" launches soon.

 Greetings from the 10th remaining Ambassadors_18

Jack Kafwanka

Eco-generation Ambassador to Zambia

hello everybody, my name is Jack Kafwanka, you can call me Jack. i am the Regional Ambassador to Zambia. happy to represent my country.

I am on extended term which means i renewed my term in office. I look forward to read all of your interesting post of all regions around the world.

let me tell you alittle bit about Zambia, originally Zambia is known as the Real Africa because of its wonderful sceneries and beautiful environments, its also tourist destination, i am happy to say that my country, Zambia holds one of the Wonders of the World, a very wonderful privilege which also show the work cut out for me, we must protect our natural resources from diminishing. I must uphold my country's integrity in that light.

 Welcome to Eco-gen for our new Ambassadors!!! 

I Look forward to hearing from you.

Achmad Solikhin

Eco-generation Ambassador to Indonesia

My organisation will execute some environmental projects in some remote areas in Indonesia. There are some projects will be implementaed this moths. Apparently, we still wait the finsancial assistance coming from UNESCO Jakarta that will be transfered this months. The detail request of goods are like the previous message sent to you. Thank you TUNZA E-gen

Abhay R Joshi

Eco-generation Ambassador to India

Hello Mates! :)

I am  Abhay R Joshi from from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Completed by Class 10 from CBSE with a CGPA of 9.2 currently in Class 12th

I've been involved with many NGOs such as Roots & Shoots, Tree Foundation, The Earth Organization-Sec'bad, Indian Youth Climate Network, Street Cause, Green Peace, Indian Sparrow Foundation, G.R.E.E.N, 350.org, Planet 3 Protection Alliance, Naandi, Nirmukta working towards Environmental conservation and protection and Social Upliftment.

Brief Achievements:

-Anipal-Zoo Volunteering Programme wherin we go to the Zoo and explain the people as to what Zoo actually is and even stop people from teasing and harming the animals.

-Paper Bag Making Project (Urban Eco-Responsibility)(I've made close to 500 Paper Bags which were distributed to the local Shopkeepers and Vendors

-UNICEF CAMP (Children As Media Producers)-Made a short-film on the Effect of Reality media on the young minds of Children- Won the first prize.

-Launched a Cloth Bag project as a substitute for the Plastic Bags

-Infosys- Action Plan to tackle Environmental Abuse-Wherein we spoke about Sea Turtles, What is their importance and what we are doing to save them and what others can do too-Won the First Prize

-Little Scholar-Rationalism Activities and Demonstration of "Miracles" through an Organization named Nirmukta which promotes science and free thought in India.

-Chapter Holder of The Earth Organization India based at the Secunderabad Region

-Attended the International Marine Bio-Diversity Conservation Festival at Chennai

wherin we met top Sea Turtle delegates and discussed plans of action

-25 Hours ZVP Programme Acknowledgement

-Working on an Electric Car Project with upto 75% Self-Recharging Capacity

-Saplings Distribution Project on Earth Day (22nd April) (Around 222 Saplings for free)

-Conducting an Inter School Quiz (The P.R.I.M.E Quiz)



I-Indian (History)

M-Modern (Inventions)


-Director of the Rotary Club School Branch

-Leader of the PEAS Club School Branch

-A member of the Organizing Committee of the Hyderabad Youth Assembly

-Awarded with the Best Outstanding Student of the Year.

-Organizing Team Core Member of Harithon-2012, A Green Run by Planet 3 Protection Alliance.

- Delegate at the Hyderabad Youth Assembly (Goal-3 Women Empowerement)

- Chief of Internships at Planet 3 Protection Alliance for Harithon

- Moving Planet (Sep 24th) Organizing Committee at Indian Youth Climate Network

   for 350.org.

- Founder and Chairperson of (R)Evolution..Let's Change Now! Working towards 

  Climate Change Mitigation, Youth Awareness and Empowerement.

- Talk to your City Campaign on Valentine's Day at IYCN.


  • says :
    Posted 24-12-2013 11:36

  • says :
    This is an excellent platform for students to showcase their talents.
    Posted 20-06-2013 01:22

  • says :
    hi everyone,do something to bring changes at your place..great job..
    Posted 03-04-2013 14:38

  • says :
    good luck to all ambassador.
    Posted 30-03-2013 09:57

  • says :
    good luck

    Posted 30-03-2013 09:48

  • says :
    great team.
    Posted 29-03-2013 01:32

  • says :
    Posted 27-03-2013 14:46

  • says :
    best of luck
    Posted 27-03-2013 13:37

  • says :
    u r the best. You just not only make it to finish u renew it with success...
    Posted 27-03-2013 13:36

  • says :
    Posted 27-03-2013 13:35

  • says :
    conGo alL :D
    Posted 20-03-2013 22:06

  • says :
    What a sweet poet, Rajashree :)
    Posted 18-03-2013 09:23

  • says :
    We are happy to see our old team,
    Ready for driving Eco Gen Green Dream,
    Congratulation to all old Ambassadors,
    For adding on your Cap, Green feathers.
    Posted 17-03-2013 11:19

  • says :
    congrats toall
    Posted 16-03-2013 00:16

  • says :
    Happy to see such a green and great team of ambassadors.
    Posted 15-03-2013 09:38

  • says :
    Congratz Bambang. We Proud of You..!!!
    Posted 14-03-2013 17:09

  • says :
    congrats to all
    Posted 14-03-2013 14:25

  • Neha Swaminathan says :
    Thank you all friends, happy being together with you all.
    Posted 14-03-2013 01:48

  • Czar Demeterio says :
    Congratulations to BAM AZORES who is from the Philippines and also to all of the new Regional Ambassadors. Deeply and truly looking forward to be one of them in the near future! Best of luck to all of us here..:)
    Posted 14-03-2013 00:46

  • says :
    Congratz Bambang from Indonesia... Act Now!
    Posted 13-03-2013 16:19

  • says :
    Great job to you, All!
    Posted 13-03-2013 16:17

  • says :
    congrats to all
    Posted 13-03-2013 14:39

  • says :
    strong team to lead the world.
    Posted 13-03-2013 02:25

  • says :
    congrats to all of you.
    Posted 13-03-2013 02:18

  • says :
    Thanks Christy! :)
    Posted 12-03-2013 20:50

  • says :

    Posted 12-03-2013 17:48

  • says :
    great team congratulation to you all...........
    Posted 12-03-2013 16:27

  • says :
    Thx Ecogeneration team for supporting us all the time....

    Posted 12-03-2013 13:47

  • says :
    Thanks , Christy! I'm sure we will all work hard and try to make a difference!
    Posted 12-03-2013 12:03

  • says :
    nice team for the raising the environmental awareness program through out the world...thank you eco generation and Christy Lee
    Posted 11-03-2013 18:05

  • says :
    great one........
    Posted 11-03-2013 17:28

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Such a Great Team, KUDOS Eco Generation and Everyone for the Great Going!
    Posted 11-03-2013 15:29

  • says :
    Many congratulations!! We wish you can share many thing during your term.
    Posted 11-03-2013 14:42

  • says :
    congrats to all ambassadors..........
    Posted 11-03-2013 10:48

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