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[World] The result of the Monthly Event_April

by Eco Generation | 02-05-2013 17:12 Comments 14 Comments

Result of 2013 Tunza Eco-generation hidden Eco-Heroes, TUNZA Eco Generation, Environmental Networking Platform, Tunza.eco-generation.org

Dear Eco-generation folks,

Hello, we are back with the result of the Monthly Event for April.
First of all, we would like to thank all the participants.

There were numerous beautiful green stories about each participant?s Hidden Eco-Hero, which made it really difficult to just pick only 
11 best Hidden Eco-Heroes 
among the beautiful stories. 

Now, let's find out who won the 1st place and win 
2 Samsung Galaxy Players!!!

The winner of April's competition is....?

MD. Aminul Islam!!

Many congratulations!!
Even Eco-generation Team was surprised at the Eco-Hero's passionate green activity filling up his daily life.
We were so sure that he had been, now is and will be spreading green life style to his local community so that his entire community will be eco-friendly.

We would like to introduce MD. Aminul Islam?s Hidden Eco-Hero as below:
Most visited countries and cities in April_02 Most visited countries and cities in April_03
Most visited countries and cities in April_04
Most visited countries and cities in April_05
Most visited countries and cities in April_06
Most visited countries and cities in April_07 
Mr. MI Master 
is the hidden eco friend in my eyes. He is indeed a environment lover by his deeds. The reasons are mentioned below as subsequently: 

a. Nursery Owner: 
He has a nursery where different types of plants are grown & nurtured. Basically he collects various seeds of wood plants, fruit plants, medicinal & herbal plants. Most of the cases he distribute these plants to different institutions like mosques, schools, markets & roadsides. Sometimes he also sells these plants. 

b. User & promoter of Solar panel: 
He uses the solar panel system in his own house as well as he promotes his neighborhood to use solar panels as it is a sustainable power source. 

c. User of Biogas Gas Plant, Fan of poultry, duck & cattle: 
He cultivates cattle & goats. He also cultivates fish in his ponds with poultry & duck firm in the sides of ponds. The excreta of duck & poultry is used as the food of fish. The excreta of cattle & goats is used as input of biogas plant. The produced gas is supplied to the kitchen through pipe. In this way good management of waste is assured. The surplus of biogas plant is used as fertilizer in his agricultural land instead of chemicals. 

d. Rain Water Harvester: 
He is also a rain water harvester. He harvests rain water for daily uses in his house to meet the demand of drinking water & irrigation to his gardens. 

e. Bi-cycle rider: 
Generally he uses bi-cycle to move short distances & almost all the family members of his ride through bi-cycle. In rainy season they use boat. 

f. Habituated to 4R System: 
Eventually he is habituated to the 4R system in his lifestyle. He is also a non-smoker. He uses herbal products mostly.

And following 10 winners will be given 
Most visited countries and cities in April_08
TWO USBs and 
certificates of honorable mentions 
to be given to the hidden eco-heroes.
Among 2 USBs, one is for the recommender and the other is for the recommended Hidden Eco-Hero.
You could also read the 10 winners' list and their Hidden Eco-Hero stories in the Winners Page.
To check them out, please click this link : << Link >>

Many, many congratulations winners!
Also thank you for all the participants again!

Thanks to your wonderful entries beyond these results, we have decided to make this event as our annual awards named "Tunza Eco-generation Hidden Eco-heroes Awards". Please be ready to recommend your hero next year!

We will come back with more interesting competition for May.

Thank you,

Eco-generation Team

*To the winners : 
To receive the gifts at the soonest, please send your correct contact number and address to this e-mail address : ecogeneration@samsung.com


  • says :
    Posted 25-11-2015 19:26

  • says :
    Posted 26-12-2013 19:29

  • says :
    Posted 26-12-2013 19:28

  • says :
    Congrats to all !

    Posted 07-05-2013 23:53

  • says :
    Congratulation to both of you. thanks
    Posted 04-05-2013 19:01

  • says :
    Congratulations Aminul. Glad to read about your eco-hero
    Posted 04-05-2013 18:14

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Congrats mr. Aminul
    Posted 03-05-2013 21:31

  • says :
    Congratulation Mr. Aminul.!!!!!
    Posted 02-05-2013 20:02

  • says :
    Congratulations to MD.Aminul!!
    Posted 02-05-2013 19:24

  • says :
    Many congratulations MD.Aminul, I am happy for you :D
    Posted 02-05-2013 18:35

  • says :
    Thank you so much for making me winner, here.
    Posted 02-05-2013 18:05

Dharmendra Kapri

  • says :
    CONGRATS! This is really inspiring!
    Posted 02-05-2013 17:38

  • says :
    Congratulations! :D
    Posted 02-05-2013 17:28

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