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[World] Monthly Event for May 2013

by Eco Generation | 07-05-2013 17:06 Comments 26 Comments

Monthly Event for May, Recommend Your Favorite Environmental Website, Become our guest editor,TUNZA Eco Generation, Environmental Networking Platform, Tunza.eco-generation.org




Hello all!

We are happy to come back with a fun and innovative event again.

Do you have a Favorite Environmental Website?
Or do you have your own one?

Then share it with Eco-generation family and be our Guest Editor!

As Eco-generation is the Environmental Networking Platform for Children and Youth, we would like to share various environmental networks and create SYNERGY Effect!

You can recommend your favorite environmental website and the website would be shared with all the Eco-generation family.



This is How to Do It.

1. Go to Application Page < Link >

2. Write these details about your favorite environmental website as below:
- Name of the Website
- Website Address
- A brief Introduction to the Website and the reason why you recommend it
* Please recommend one website per one application. You may recommend several websites separately.
* You can also upload some images of the website if you want with attachments


Period:  May 7th~31st



The winners will be given the opportunity to become an Eco-generation's Guest Editor!
The winners? recommendations will be uploaded on Resources > Feature page

< Link > with Recommender's name, picture.
As you all know, the Resource is consisted of various official content. Thus, if your recommendation is selected, your article can be shared with all the Eco-generation family as a formal content which will be always located in the list of Feature page.

Monthly Event for May 2013_01
*The image of Resources > Feature page

Also we don?t forget to thank you with little souvenirs as we?ve always been.

The 10 guest editors will be rewarded with the Eco-generation's USB as a token of appreciation.

Monthly Event for May 2013_02

Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to share your insight towards the environmental websites and be our guest editor!

We look forward to learning about many useful environmental websites from you!


Thank you,



Eco-generation Team








  • says :
    Posted 26-12-2013 19:32

  • says :
    Posted 26-12-2013 19:32

  • says :
    this is very uncommon here
    Posted 14-12-2013 17:11

  • says :
    great opportunity
    Posted 14-12-2013 17:11

  • says :
    WoW !!!
    Posted 20-06-2013 01:09

  • says :
    i have uploaded about 13 recommendations!!!
    Posted 06-06-2013 03:31

  • says :
    i have uploaded about 13 recommendations!!!
    Posted 06-06-2013 03:31

  • says :
    This seems too cool!!!!!!!
    Posted 21-05-2013 17:37

  • says :
    interesting. :)
    ...will be submitting an entry.
    Posted 20-05-2013 18:31

  • says :
    @MD Aminul It depends on the quality of the recommended websites. :)
    Posted 20-05-2013 08:21

  • says :
    How many would be selected as Guest Editor?
    Posted 20-05-2013 02:49

  • says :
    nice idea............as always out-of-box

    Posted 14-05-2013 16:28

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Thanks everyone! We'll look forward to your recommendations!
    Posted 13-05-2013 09:39

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    @ Eco Generation - I like SYNERGY effect- Totally in for it :)
    Posted 10-05-2013 15:49

  • says :
    wow! another great event!
    Posted 10-05-2013 13:23

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Great idea. The web is full of some great resources.
    Posted 10-05-2013 02:44

  • says :

    i will grasp it...
    Posted 09-05-2013 01:53

  • says :
    Good idea!
    Posted 08-05-2013 21:31

  • says :
    Good idea!
    Posted 08-05-2013 21:31

  • says :
    New idea. Let us try.
    Posted 08-05-2013 17:52

  • says :
    a GOOD COMPETITION INDEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted 08-05-2013 15:26

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Arushi, website only! :)
    Posted 08-05-2013 08:01

  • says :
    Fun with Learn :)
    Posted 08-05-2013 01:56

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Is it only for website or also facebook page , group???

    Posted 07-05-2013 21:16

  • Arushi Madan says :
    would surely participate

    Posted 07-05-2013 18:49

Dharmendra Kapri

  • Dharmendra Kapri says :
    Oh.....WoW....great opportunity again ...! :D )
    Posted 07-05-2013 17:38

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