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[World] The result of the Monthly 100-word Essay Competition_Jan

by Eco Generation | 04-02-2013 16:46 Comments 38 Comments

My 3 promises to protect our mother earth. Monthly 100-word Essay Competition for January, TUNZA Eco Generation, Environmental Networking Platform, Tunza.eco-generation.org

Dear Eco-generation friends, We would like to announce

the result of the Monthly Essay Contest for January in 2013!


Firstly, thank you for your sweet promises for our mother nature.
She must have been very happy for your 3 promises.


It was very hard to pick just 5 essays among many sincere and creative promises.
So we would like to share all the promises submitted on the Winners board.
Please visit the Winners board and put your comments.
It will be a great gift for the friends submitted their sincere 3 promises.


Now, we would like to share the 5 Winners? essays.
The order follows the time they uploaded their essays.
(To see other friends' promises, you can visit the
 Winners board ¡çclick!  )


Simran Vedvyas

1. Be a green leader-There's power in numbers, so I have organized a group in my community to tackle environmental projects this year. Creatively we plan activities that get everyone involved, like cleaning up trash, planting trees, reducing water and energy use.
2. Volunteer with a green cause-Volunteering for an outdoor clean-up is a great way to meet people and give back to my community.
3. Go paperless and Try a trash fast- Go paperless, whether at home or at school, printing only what is must, cutting back on unnecessary, to avoid heavily packaged goods and buying products that can be recycled. 

[World] The result of the Monthly 100-word Essay Competition_Jan_01




I promise our mother earth that

1. I will plant at least 13 trees, and also try to gift 13, so my total individual target of planting is 26.
2. I will inspire at least 13 people to become environmentalists, and work for saving earth.
3. I will visit at least 13 homes, 13 schools, and 13 shops, and request them to live in an Eco-friendly way. I will request students to save paper, homes to plant trees, save water and energy, and shops to use jute bags, instead of plastic bags. I will also request homes to keep water for birds in a pot on the roofs during summers.

I wish our mother earth will help me in keeping my promise.



Eujin Joe

My first goal is 'lending more books in library'. Cutting trees is essential to make paper books. The shortage of trees will eventually cause globalwarming. So, I decided to lend books in library, not buy them.
Also, I will make animations related to environment and show it to my family and friends so that they can know the severity of globalwarming and climate change.
Lastly, I'm gonna join the 'Earth Hour' at the last Saturday of March. Frankly, I couldn't join it last year because of my laziness.
Hopefully, my actions will make the earth healthier and happier.


JieHye Han

I believe that I am lending Earth for a while than using it. Therefore, I have 3promises for Mother Earth.

First, I will wear many clothes in winter. Taking the place of a heater, it would increase my sensible temperature by 2 degree Celsius.

Second, I promise to eat everything on plate. This will decrease the pollution caused by leftover food.

Third, I will grow plants at home. The air will get clean, and it will sustain satisfying humidity without an air cleaner and a humidifier.

I will keep the 3promises for our Mother Earth.

[World] The result of the Monthly 100-word Essay Competition_Jan_02[World] The result of the Monthly 100-word Essay Competition_Jan_03[World] The result of the Monthly 100-word Essay Competition_Jan_04

[World] The result of the Monthly 100-word Essay Competition_Jan_05[World] The result of the Monthly 100-word Essay Competition_Jan_06

Mohammed Zoheb

Firstly, I promise to continue my Neighbourhood Recycling Programme which I had started in my building to create an awareness campaign among neighbours and friends on the importance of separating waste and recycling. I promise to continue my monthly recycling campaigns this year too. My second promise is to make green the environment by adding more plants and trees. I have already purchased bougainvilleas which will be planted in front of my father?s new warehouse this month end. Lastly, I promise to save energy and water consumption at home and to remind others also to do the same.


Many congratulations!!
Let's give them a big round of applause.
Their promises were feasible, creative, and action oriented.

We will come back with more interesting subject and gifts!
Please wait for our further notice~~

Thank you

Eco-generation Team

Note for the Winners
Please send us your correct phone number and address to get the Eco-Tumbler.
Also you can select the color among green, blue, light pink and hot pink.

 [World] The result of the Monthly 100-word Essay Competition_Jan_08





  • says :
    Posted 24-12-2013 11:31

  • says :
    Kudos to Winners!
    Posted 20-06-2013 01:32

  • says :
    congrats to all you deserve it.
    Posted 30-03-2013 10:04

  • says :
    "tomorrow may not be the same, Protecting our Mother Earth must be your aim!"
    Posted 25-02-2013 18:27

  • says :
    We all should keep our promises
    Posted 25-02-2013 18:26

  • says :
    Congratulations ever1
    Posted 25-02-2013 18:26

  • Bam Azores says :
    Congratulations to the winners of this contest! Let's keep our promises and protect Mother Earth!
    Posted 20-02-2013 21:48

  • Neha Swaminathan says :
    Congrats all winners, Promises are awesome, Very important we have to gather the promises of many more and make everyone keep up the promises
    Posted 20-02-2013 11:48

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Congrats winners from the Uae and everywhere else too
    Posted 18-02-2013 21:02

  • says :
    congratuLations to alL winneRs :) . !
    Posted 18-02-2013 01:39

  • says :
    Congratulation to all winners.
    Posted 13-02-2013 16:58

  • says :
    Very good.
    Posted 13-02-2013 16:12

  • says :
    Thank you , eco-generation. I will definitely try to fulfill the promises that I have made to protect Mother Earth.
    Posted 12-02-2013 00:34

  • says :
    Congrats everyonee.! You deserve it. :)
    Posted 11-02-2013 14:59

  • says :
    Congratulations to all the winners! I wish everyone can strive to achieve his or her promises to our one and only Earth!
    Posted 10-02-2013 22:28

  • says :
    Congrats to all the winners.Hope we keep these promises

    Posted 09-02-2013 01:31

  • says :
    Posted 07-02-2013 22:04

  • says :
    A very big Congratulations to all the winners!!!!! Put in your best efforts to sincerely keep up the promises you have made. All the Best....
    Posted 07-02-2013 21:49

  • says :
    Thank you for selecting my writing, and congrats to all others who won! I hope many people can keep the promises:)
    Posted 07-02-2013 21:09

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Thank You Eco Generation
    Posted 06-02-2013 20:15

  • says :
    Thank you for selecting me as the winner and congratulations to all other winners! I will do my best to keep the three promises!

    *Ms. Lee, I sent the E mail that you requested.
    Posted 06-02-2013 17:06

  • says :
    Many congratulations for the winners! Please send your address and the color of tumbler to the e-mail address : ecogeneration@samsung.com :D
    Posted 06-02-2013 09:09

  • says :
    Congratulation, all are the good idea!
    Really creative!
    Posted 05-02-2013 22:36

  • says :
    because of 2013, it will be 14 in 2014, 15 in 2015 and so on.
    i always plant some trees on my birthday, and from 2006/7( i don't remember exactly) i am planting as many trees as the last two digits of year or my age . so, total planted trees may be 13 to 16.
    Posted 05-02-2013 18:39

  • says :
    Comngratz to all..............................
    Posted 05-02-2013 15:26

  • says :
    @Aminul: Its working in case of me.........
    Posted 05-02-2013 15:25

  • says :
    @Aman Agrawal: Why is everything of Ur's "13" ??????????
    BTW Have U heard the song "13" of "Megadeth"????
    Posted 05-02-2013 15:23

  • says :
    d "winner board" is not working as link/
    Posted 05-02-2013 13:26

  • says :
    Its really amazing to see all the winners here.


    keep the promises up.
    Posted 05-02-2013 13:23

  • says :
    Posted 05-02-2013 09:28

Dharmendra Kapri

  • says :
    congratulations you guys!!! awesome promises! lets help eachother keep them yeah!!! :D
    Posted 05-02-2013 00:37

  • says :
    Innovative and really thoughtful, learnt a lot from the green revolutionaries.
    Keep it up :)

    Posted 04-02-2013 23:55

  • says :
    Congrats friends on sharing your amazing ideas with us.............

    Posted 04-02-2013 23:27

  • says :
    many ccongrattttttttttttxzzz :0 :)
    Posted 04-02-2013 22:59

  • says :
    Congratz greeners :)
    Posted 04-02-2013 22:50

  • says :
    Hurrah! My name is In the List!
    thank you very much For selcecting my essay!
    I am trying to me best for completing them.
    This will encourage me further for completing my promises made to earth.

    Posted 04-02-2013 17:42

  • says :
    Congratulation to all winners.
    Thanks for the initiatives listed here.

    Posted 04-02-2013 16:49

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