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Invite & Win Contest

by | 07-02-2013 15:51 Comments 38 Comments

Have the most friends sign up and win a Samsung Galaxy Player! Invite and Win Contest, From 1st March to 31st March, TUNZA Eco Generation, Environmental Networking Platform, Tunza.eco-generation.org

Invite & Win Contest 

Have the most friends sign up & Win a Samsung Galaxy Player

Dear Tunza Eco-generation friends,

Many of you may remember the Invite &Win Contest.
Now, Eco-generation came back with a new version of Invite&Win Contest!

Period: 2013. 03. 01 ~ 2013. 03. 31 (GMT +9)

The first place winner will be given?
A Samsung Galaxy Player!!
Width = 22px Height = 18pxInvite & Win Contest 

This contest is also very easy to join. 
You can just remember 2 things.

1. Recommend Tunza Eco-generation to your friends
and tell them to put your USERNAME in the Recommender cell when they sign in.
(Note that it's your USERNAME at Tunza Eco-generation, not your full name)
Width = 22px Height = 18pxInvite & Win Contest

2. Let the recommanders gain as many as points during the event period.

To select the winner,
We will sum up the points accrued by your recommenders.

For example,
Recommender 1 : 150 points during March
Recommender 2 :  10 points during March
Recommender 3 : 700 points during March

Then your score will be 150+10+700=860

Now you can see that both of the number of recommenders and the points accrued by the recommenders are very important.

- Minimum requirement is 10 recommenders.
-One cannot create several accounts with the same email address
Only the points of new members joined in March 2013will be effective.
- Points accrued during 1st March and 31th March will be counted.
- Children under age 13 cannot create an account based on the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.
- Only activated(verified) accounts will be counted (Newbies should check their email to activate the accounts)

For more information about the point system, please click this.

If you have any question, please leave a comment on this post.

Good luck for all the challengers!

Eco-generation Team


  • says :
    Posted 24-12-2013 11:32

  • says :
    Posted 30-03-2013 02:16

  • says :
    @Czar Sure, keep being online here :-) You will see lots of fun environmental events.
    Posted 13-03-2013 09:07

  • Czar Demeterio says :
    Can we have the same contest again this coming April and on the months onward? Because activities like these doesn't kindle the interest of the people about the prize alone but also the urge to spread the site to other people around the globe.
    Posted 12-03-2013 20:55

  • says :
    @Janak welcome to Eco-generation! Great to hear that you are a friend of Ganga :)
    Posted 06-03-2013 14:52

  • says :
    very interesting..........
    Posted 03-03-2013 23:44

  • says :
    i am new in this website but here is too much opportunity and information for the youth and children.........i want to thank Mr.Ganga Datt Awasthi for inviting me in this platform
    Posted 02-03-2013 00:46

  • says :
    nice opportunity for the eco generation lover...........
    Posted 01-03-2013 20:09

  • says :
    oww....great!!!! hope i shall win the contest. thanx to eco-gen :D
    Posted 23-02-2013 14:23

  • says :
    @Rohan Would you tell them to e-mail to ecogeneration@samsung.com ? Thank you.
    Posted 22-02-2013 09:22

  • says :
    I would surely participatein it
    Posted 21-02-2013 18:59

  • says :

    Posted 21-02-2013 18:59

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    My friends are complaining that there is no activation link sent to their accounts......pls.help
    Posted 21-02-2013 18:04

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    PLEASE BE NOTED! This contest starts on March 1st!!!!
    Posted 21-02-2013 09:35

  • says :
    @Mohammad Hey, check out the period!! >_<
    Posted 20-02-2013 10:56

  • says :
    @Ganga Good luck for you!! :D
    Posted 20-02-2013 10:55

  • says :
    I have invited my all friends
    Posted 20-02-2013 02:32

  • says :
    last time i got the third position this time i will do my best to be 1st one..........
    Posted 19-02-2013 17:27

  • says :
    your username shows : saurabh11
    Posted 19-02-2013 08:45

  • says :
    what will be the username?
    Posted 19-02-2013 04:34

  • says :
    I'll ask my friends to join too
    Posted 19-02-2013 04:32

  • says :
    I'll ask my
    Posted 19-02-2013 04:32

  • says :
    This is lovely
    Posted 19-02-2013 04:30

  • says :
    @Rajashree We would share the status of applicants soon :)
    Posted 18-02-2013 08:41

  • says :
    @Anthon Yes, you need to invite at least 10 friends to join this contest :) and don't forget to encourage them to be active member of TUNZA Eco-generation.
    Posted 18-02-2013 08:40

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Cool Contest and Nice way to motivate learning
    Posted 17-02-2013 23:36

  • says :
    its our turn, now.
    Posted 14-02-2013 15:49

  • says :
    Lets win.
    Posted 14-02-2013 15:47

  • says :
    More member will lead to more Green activity.
    Posted 13-02-2013 16:54

  • says :
    Great idea!
    Posted 12-02-2013 00:38

  • says :
    I am going to invite my friends right now. :)
    Posted 11-02-2013 15:00

  • says :
    Nice Idea. May we able to know the current total strength of the members ?
    Posted 10-02-2013 00:25

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Really cool!! I'll tell all my friends to join tunza eco-generation
    Posted 09-02-2013 01:26

  • says :
    Minimum requirement is 10 recommenders.

    >Does this mean that I need to have 10 people to sign up to be considered for the contest?
    Posted 08-02-2013 16:43

  • says :
    Yea, and making friends collect as many as point is very important for this time :)
    Posted 08-02-2013 10:37

  • says :
    Last time i missed it!
    Posted 07-02-2013 21:54

  • says :
    All the contests are actually very interesting and it wil surely be fun to be a part of them.
    Posted 07-02-2013 21:54

  • says :
    awesome... thanks alot Eco-gen. my username is my full name- what about that?

    Posted 07-02-2013 19:35

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