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2013 Global Youth for the Environment Forum ended

by Eco Generation | 20-02-2013 14:54 Comments 40 Comments

Thank you for joining 2013 Global Youth for the Environment Forum. See you in 2014.
2013 Global Youth for the Environment Forum has been successfully ended.

Samsung Engineering's Eco-generation team and Korea Green Foundation appreciate your active participation in the 2013 Global Youth for the Environment Forum.

The participants were really magnificent and outstanding more than ever! 

For the 2014 GYEF, participants will be selected upon their active participation in Tunza Eco-generation platform. Please earn as many points as you can in 2013! 

While you enjoy various online events of Tunza Eco-generation and you'll automatically be ready to apply for the next forum!

Photos have been uploaded on Gallery at Our Actions bar.

Please share your photos and feelings about the GYEF at online 2013 GYEF forum!


  • says :
    Posted 24-12-2013 11:33

  • says :
    Posted 20-06-2013 01:30

  • says :
    @Christy . i'm just trying to enjoy my post examination hoLidays! well, have my result soon. waitin' !! and Thank you :D .
    Posted 25-03-2013 13:47

  • says :
    @Geetika How are you doing these days? The last article you posted was really cool :)
    Posted 21-03-2013 08:32

  • says :
    @Shreya :: yepp, that happens .. but if you'd wait for some time . it'll be uploaded..

    all d best :) :D
    Posted 20-03-2013 22:09

  • says :
    Yes, it was a magic moment for all of us. I still miss that time often. How are you doing these days? How are the kids doing? I can't hear from them at all. Please tell my regards to them also. :)
    Posted 11-03-2013 15:39

  • says :
    Hello Christy,Hi dear friends.I am really alt between two feelings :Sorrow and happiness.Sorrow for missing those great moments we enjoyed together in that great forum a long four days with our amazing friends from all over the world especially India ,Kenya and Korea.And the feeling of happiness for continuing our our contact via
    Tunza eco generation the magic link for all friends.I hope we could meet again in the near future to maintain our work for our mother nature and the environment.
    Thanks again to Samsung Engineering and Eco generation for giving us this great opportunity.
    Posted 07-03-2013 03:48

  • says :
    @Talaat Oh how have you been? Can't wait to add yours :D
    Posted 06-03-2013 14:51

  • says :
    Hello dear friends.this is my account on Facebook :Alaa Salama ,please keep in touch.It's a great pleasure for me to pursue our marvelous friendship for ever.
    Waiting for your contact.
    Posted 06-03-2013 02:44

  • says :
    @Christy Lee - Hello, I am Shreya Srinivas from India. I tried posting my article on the experiences earned from GYEF 2013 on the World Report page. But, it keeps on loading, and I have been unable to post it as yet. Should I send it to you by mail?
    Posted 03-03-2013 15:50

  • Neha Swaminathan says :
    Thank you Shreya, Good luck all of you for your exams
    Posted 23-02-2013 21:41

  • says :
    It was a pleasure meeting all of you! I had a wonderful time getting to know all of you and interacting with you all and becoming friends with all of you. It was an amazing opportunity to present my environmental activities and learn about yours. Thank you Korea Green Foundation for this opportunity! The conference was fun and the guest speakers were interesting. Thank you for the wonderful experience, hospitality and accommodation. The Samsung Engineering staff were friendly and we had a lot of fun with them! I Hope to meet you all again and return to Seoul soon.
    Posted 23-02-2013 03:57

  • says :
    @Neha - Wish you All the Best for your exams and I hope that the exam you had on Sunday went well.
    Posted 22-02-2013 19:41

  • says :
    I will post my article on my experience on GYEF soon, but I just need some time since there is so much to study right now.
    Posted 22-02-2013 19:38

  • says :
    @Neha It was our pleasure to meet you in GYEF! I look forward to see your sweet article about the forum :D
    Posted 22-02-2013 09:21

  • says :
    @Rohan in February :)
    Posted 22-02-2013 09:21

  • says :
    @Talaat Thank you for your kind words, your support helped out a lot!
    Posted 22-02-2013 09:20

  • says :
    ohh @Neha : all the best for your exams ! and yes even i am missing everyone ! Luckily i got Naylee , amisha di , christy di , miss kang , Yongmo and erika on facebook and we did talked on chat , finally got something to stay in touch with them !! :D but i wish i could have the Mails of you wonderful people from Saudi Arabia too !! but sadly No contact since then !! :'( [[aawww]] . Mr. Talaat :> i'm missing all of u too , do let me know if you have any social account/s ! ..

    Geetika :)
    Posted 21-02-2013 19:30

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    When is this conference usually held?
    Posted 21-02-2013 18:06

  • Neha Swaminathan says :
    Thank you Eco-generation, UNEP and Samsung Engineering for all the sponsor support. Thank you Christy, Erika, Kang, Sophie and all unsung volunteers who made our stay comfortable and memorable.Thank you all new friends - Amisha, Geetika, Shreya, Naylee. When I wake up every morning you all cheer up my day with pleasant memories. Thank you Talaat Sir and KSA team for the continuous fun and quiz. Within 3 days, South Korea and all lovely people inspired me how beautiful the place is and even more beautiful at heart. And last but not the least and to all those professors, lecturers and class teachers who ensured the purpose of the visit was fully met in ensuring communication of knowledge I could absorb and will use to communicate to other eco-friends. I will post photos and more info soon since I am rushing off now for my exams today.
    Posted 21-02-2013 12:06

  • says :
    @Simran, Bam It reminded us of you a lot. We really miss you guys. I wish we can meet again :D
    Posted 21-02-2013 10:08

  • says :
    @Geetika It was our pleasure to meet you in 2013GYEF!
    Posted 21-02-2013 10:07

  • says :
    Always keep in touch to continue our efforts for protecting our nature.
    Posted 21-02-2013 04:26

  • says :
    Hi Geetica and Shreya.You were really amazing in your presentations.You impressed all participants with your effective and.You showed an extraordinary practical side of how to cope with our environment and the best actions to be Eco friendly.Thanks so much for your great work and keep up the nice work.I will miss you so much,keep in touch.
    Posted 21-02-2013 03:59

  • says :
    thanks for report and hope next time on 2014 young ambasador age greater than 18 can join event.
    Posted 21-02-2013 03:53

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing! Surely it would have been amazing!
    Posted 21-02-2013 03:20

  • says :
    Hello all dear friends.I can't believe what we did,saw and enjoyed in Seoul ,the land of activity,giftedness and universality.Words fail to tell how all the participants feel while being there.i myself felt sad when I went back home as we missed all great and wonderful activities we share with all overseas and national eco - generation friends.Thanks a million Samsung Engineering and Green Foundation for all the amazing efforts you made for us along a whole week in which you spared no expense for our comfort ,entertainment and tangible interaction in the forum.Let alone ,your awesome preparation and well planned trip for our groups from India and Saudi Arabia.Once again,Billions of thanks to all members in eco generation team and I wish we could meet again in next year's forum with more auspicious and promising ideas for of our environment and conserving our dear nature.
    With my best wishes to you.
    Posted 21-02-2013 03:00

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Congratulations to the participants and Eco Gen too. Nostalgia for US
    Posted 21-02-2013 00:28

  • says :
    @Bam azores >> thankss a ton !! and yep !! exactLy .u are right , it was too much fun !. i wish i couLd participate again :p ) .<<
    Posted 21-02-2013 00:16

  • says :
    Thanks for the report
    Posted 20-02-2013 22:06

  • Bam Azores says :
    Congratulations to all who participated in GYEF 2013. I am sure you had the best time just like I had in 2012. GYEF is a great experience for young people like us!
    Posted 20-02-2013 21:46

  • says :
    the best part about GYEF is that you make a lot of new friends and get to know their ideas and thoughts. You get that awesome feeling of a GLOBAL FAMILY where we all are working together for earth. special mention >> Christy didi and Erika => guys u did an awesome job. really appreciate your wonderful efforts <= made the whole thing unforgettable ((^_^))
    Posted 20-02-2013 20:38

  • says :
    oh .. It was amazing i Loved it thoroughly . *perfect* . and yes , shreya > i wish the very same ! the weather , the place , most importantly THE PEOPLE ! everything is beyond expectations :) ..
    Posted 20-02-2013 20:34

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Really good pics..... I hope next year's forum will be as exciting as this one wsa.
    Posted 20-02-2013 17:18

  • says :
    I made a lot of new friends in Seoul and please let us keep in touch through this website and the mails, of course.
    Posted 20-02-2013 16:16

  • says :
    Thank you Eco Generation.
    Posted 20-02-2013 16:13

  • says :
    Hi. The GYEF held in Seoul, South Korea was amazing. It was very informative. I miss Seoul, its cold weather, and most of all its wonderful people!!!!!!
    Posted 20-02-2013 16:13

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Thanks rajashree, we hope to meet you in the next forum!
    Posted 20-02-2013 15:11

  • says :
    Thanks for the Report on GYEF. Happy to see the posted photographs of diff. actions.
    Posted 20-02-2013 15:04

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