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[India] Delay in Result Annoucement

by Eco Generation | 06-12-2012 18:20 Comments 8 Comments

Delay in results announcement. Eco-generation Environmental Essay competition in India. An initiative of Samsung Engineering with Paryavaran Mitra.
We are sorry for the result delay and doing its best in finalization of result of Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition in India and to complete it within next week. 


  • says :
    Posted 24-12-2013 11:27

  • says :
    Fingers crossed
    Posted 20-06-2013 02:16

  • says :
    Posted 04-01-2013 02:03

  • says :
    I am also very much eager to know the results.

    Posted 14-12-2012 13:47

  • says :
    ooHh. waiTing eagErLy . ! 0.o
    Posted 11-12-2012 19:15

  • says :
    Yea we wish you the best luck!!
    Posted 10-12-2012 15:55

  • says :
    Hoping 4 the best...
    Posted 09-12-2012 17:57

  • says :
    Its not an issue since we students took the help of extended time period that was 25-30 Nov so its obvious that even judges may require extra time, Can you please give the next probabale date of announcement of results so that I will check it only then? :) Hope 4 d BEST. :)
    Posted 07-12-2012 23:19

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