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10 most visited countries to TUNZA Eco-generation in December, 2012

by Eco Generation | 02-01-2013 13:57 Comments 37 Comments

The Most Visited Country In December 2012. TUNZA Eco Generation, Environmental Networking Platform, Tunza.eco-generation.org
1. India
2. United Arab Emirates
3. South Korea
4. Indonesia
5. United States
6. (not set)
7. Saudi Arabia
8. Philippines
9. Nepal
10. United Kingdom


  • says :
    Posted 24-12-2013 11:29

  • says :
    India is No.1 !!
    Posted 20-06-2013 01:36

  • says :
    Definitely it is a good sign for India to be at 1st position.

    Bonge Matho-rrom.
    Posted 03-02-2013 14:46

  • says :
    Bangladesh will come in top ten soon.
    Posted 03-02-2013 14:44

  • says :
    Yes,Christy.Indians are everywhere impressing the world with their talents and giftedness.
    Posted 25-01-2013 15:42

  • says :
    @Talaat It makes a good sense too :-) haha
    Posted 25-01-2013 08:55

  • says :
    It's natural Stuvi,you are one fifth of the world's population.You have so many brilliant people in all fields of human activities.
    Posted 25-01-2013 05:21

  • says :
    Great! India has started conquering the world! :)
    Posted 22-01-2013 23:09

  • says :
    We will live for love united come together undivided
    For moment like this for nature that we wish
    For all the people of the world
    Posted 20-01-2013 23:22

  • says :
    Sure, Africa is the hometown of mankind and has great importance for the environment.
    It would be really great if there are many environmental awareness program actively!
    It is also related to the future of human being.
    Posted 18-01-2013 16:38

  • says :
    As an Egyptian from Africa,I will promote for the contest and the site to all my old students,friends and relatives there. So that great Africa could have a good place in this fantastic site that not only serves Asia but serves the whole world as well to keep our world green, eco- friendly and pollution free.
    All the best to all friends .
    Warm regards
    Posted 16-01-2013 13:12

  • says :
    We wish Africa continent will also be included soon :)
    Posted 14-01-2013 11:17

  • says :
    Where's Africa in this list
    Posted 14-01-2013 05:41

  • says :
    Nice to see different comments and tips ,
    Need to involve others in these green initiatives.

    Posted 12-01-2013 11:17

  • says :
    Thank you SalilKumar Tripathy for your comments.

    I feel, more population in India , more use of energy. So we have responsibility, Need involvement of more number of Indian in Such Green initiative. So let us try.
    Posted 12-01-2013 00:37

  • says :
    Oh, I would like to thank to both of SalilKumar and Mahsinur. These are good points.
    Posted 11-01-2013 09:15

  • says :
    If now also u say we have more population then it has its own advantages and disadvantages like
    Dis Advantage- We will have more competion like the recent essay competition in India and we ll hav less chances of winning it whereas the senario ll be different in less populated countries.
    So, the fact for this month is India is No. 1 and will remain as a fact may be caused by any factor what so ever. :-)
    Posted 11-01-2013 00:30

  • says :
    People for your information yes India has 1.2 Billion people but it doesn't mean that all the people at all times come on to ecogeneration. When you say India is at number one position because it has such a large population consider two things because u r going wrong somewhere-
    1) Not much of the people in India have access to Computer because most of them live in Rural Areas. Where as in some Developed countries all have computers.
    2) You may say number wise we have more computers then do all of them open this site. In a school of 3000 students I am d only one to b here so these are the points u should ponder about.
    Posted 11-01-2013 00:19

  • says :
    I agree with Mr. Talaat
    Posted 09-01-2013 02:42

  • says :
    Dude......................... INDIA has a population of 1100 Million ........... no wonder they came 1st............
    Posted 09-01-2013 02:32

  • says :
    Nepal in Ninth position
    Posted 07-01-2013 21:41

  • says :
    Wow. South Korea came in third. Proud :)
    Posted 07-01-2013 17:39

  • says :
    @Talaat Oh that's a good point. We will consider your point next time ^)
    Posted 07-01-2013 15:35

  • says :
    Indonesia No. 4, thanks!
    Posted 06-01-2013 00:31

  • says :
    Good to see India at the top as a Indian but it is GREAT to see so many countries around the Globe participating as a Earthian. It shows that all are moving in the same direction for the same Goal i.e. "Conservation of the Environment." :-) )
    Posted 05-01-2013 22:48

  • says :
    Hi Christy.Would you tell us the exact number of those who participated in each country.Anyway, it is good to find a different country each month so that we have competition and enthusiasm each time from all of us.All the best to all of you ,dear echo generation friends.
    Mr.Talaat from Saudi Arabia
    Posted 05-01-2013 16:50

  • says :
    Nepal is highly diversified country in contest of ecological aspects.Although Nepal is small country nepal have all types of climate found in the world.
    Posted 03-01-2013 12:20

  • says :
    as nepal is very small country but got the 9th position i am to much hapy
    Posted 03-01-2013 12:16

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Rajashree, I agree with you on that :^)
    Posted 03-01-2013 11:55

  • says :
    Good to share this report in every month.

    But Population of India is 1220 Mn, but For UAE it is only 8 Mn. So, there are more Green lovers / Tunza Eco-GEN members in UAE.
    Posted 03-01-2013 11:16

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Yes Christy, It is Great, what I meant and said because UAE is a small sized (geographical area ) country as compared to India, so in that perspective I meant- "not bad at all"

    It was Great to see UAE shift up positions well, shows we are impressively working :-)
    Posted 03-01-2013 05:51

  • says :
    This is very heartening news. India #1 , UAE #2 .
    Posted 03-01-2013 00:33

  • says :
    awareness on environmental issues is increasing in india
    Posted 02-01-2013 21:01

  • says :
    India is No. 1 , proud to be indian , happy to see so many indians here.
    Posted 02-01-2013 21:00

  • says :
    @Prabhul Yea, India usually takes no.1 place. Really impressive.
    @Simran It's not just "not bad at all". Second place is also super! :-)
    Posted 02-01-2013 17:15

  • says :
    proud to represent India
    Posted 02-01-2013 14:42

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Yay India No. One and I am Proud to be an Indian, UAE No. Two - Not bad at all
    Posted 02-01-2013 14:08

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