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The winners of 2012 GYEF has been announced

by Eco Generation | 02-02-2012 09:27 Comments 1 Comments

Global Youth for the Environment Forum - 21 Feb to 22 Feb, 2012, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

Tunza Eco-generation Team would like to inform that the winners of the Monthly 100-word Essay has been announced.

There are 5 international winners and 3 Korean winners.

For more information, please follow this link:



Those who wants to join this forum without sponsorship, please email us on ecogeneration@samsung.com. International participants residing in Seoul, Korea are welcomed to join.

Speakers and Awards of GYEF

-Many prominent scholars and celebrities will join as our guest speaker!

Ricky kim: Actor, will tell you about 'the law of jungle' story

Roland Davies: Director of British Council Korea, will talk about  'Climate Change and UK's efforts to mitigate it'

Pole to pole explorer James Hooper

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWXpSQy1JC0? a his motivational speech
Producer of documentary films
and so on

There's a session for sharing participants' environmental activities.
Two of global participants will be awarded from Samsung Engineering and Korea Green Foundation

1st place : Samsung Engineering Award + Laptop Computer

2nd place : Korea Green Foundation Award


Thank you.



Tunza Eco-generation Team


  • says :
    Posted 24-12-2013 11:13

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