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The business card and promotional goods

by | 08-03-2012 11:08 Comments 6 Comments

TUNZA Eco Generation : The 8th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Korea, Samsung Engineering CSR Secretaria Mobile +82-10-1234-5678 Email ecogeneration@samsung.com tunza.eco-generation.org


I would like to inform that promotional goods for the Ambassadors

is on the process.


Please check the notice page in the Eco-generation Ambassador Forum

: https://tunza.eco-generation.org/forumBoardView.jsp?forumListID=6&viewID=860&searchType=&searchName=&pageNumber=1

The business card and promotional goods_01

The business card and promotional goods_02

The business card and promotional goods_03

The business card and promotional goods_04


Thank you~~~


Tunza Eco-generation Team














  • says :
    Posted 24-12-2013 11:15

  • says :
    how does this pen drive work????
    Posted 06-11-2012 23:45

  • says :
    Thanks to Eco Gen
    The unique goods you given,
    It is better late than never,
    We will remember it forever.

    Posted 05-07-2012 19:08

  • says :
    Received...) They are really awesome.
    Posted 03-05-2012 04:17

  • Neha Swaminathan says :
    Thank you, Parcel received and it is superb, Pen drive is so nice!
    Posted 16-04-2012 02:55

  • says :
    Received..:) Its great..Pen drive is amazing.. :)
    Posted 14-04-2012 12:12

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