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Greetings from the 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors!

by Eco Generation | 07-06-2011 18:58 Comments 2 Comments

Greetings from the 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors!

Greetings from the 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors!
The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Ethipopia, Seong-moon Kang
The 6th E-gen Regional Ambassador to Ethiopia, Seungmoon, KangI have always been interested in climate change caused by global warming and endangered species conservation. I am the leader of the environment study group in my school, named . With this, I take part in , an youth association under the nonprofit organization , as a student reporter.  tries to protect valuable environmental and cultural resources which deserve to be cared permanently with special attention.Ethiopia is one of t poorest country in the world with chronic ecological catastrophe. As an ambassador, I'd like to do my best to let the people in the world know about ecological problem of Ethiopia.I hope we can have lots of good fun with E-gen activities!!!
The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to India, Un-Hyung Lee
Hi,I'm the 6th E-gen Regional Ambassador to India, Un Hyung Lee.I've always loved the environment. That's for sure. Environmental issues, however, were less of a concern for me because I've always thought, ingenuously, that someone at some random place must be working hard to work towards progressive change. After I read Hot Flat and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman everything changed. I became more aware of the catastrophic situations we are facing. I became more alert to the rising CO2 levels. I became more focused to channel my efforts to saving the environment. Currently, I am fulfilling the position of Foreign Affairs Director at Clean the World Korea CTWK, an NGO fully managed by mostly university students and in cooperation with CTWUSA. We work hard to raise awareness of issues related to sanitation in third world countries as well as to establish partnerships with hotels across Korea in order to send sanitized used soap to people in need. While gaining a level of professionalism doing activities related to CTWK, I became interested in India-mostly because we've cooperated with local NGOs in India. I hope to investigate not only issues related to the environment in India but also those related to health and human rights. I am really looking forward to all of the activities I will be doing at Eco-gen as an ambassador. Most of all, I'm really happy that I will get a chance to work with Eco-leaders all around the world.Un Hyung Lee (Hannah)11th grade at Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, South Korea  
The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Indonesia, Vania SantosoHello, earth!It's me (again), Vania Santoso as the Ambassador of Indonesia ^^ Yesss, I won't be bored to get an honor as the Ambassador because Eco-generation itself is just like my family... Sharing info, networking, inspiring or even getting inspired, and others are parts of the environmental development here.. In short, it's the real lovely eco-place for my life, your life, and our lives!!Green Greeting,Vania SantosoAV Peduli Indonesiawww.avpeduli.com
 The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to China, Chan Lee
Hi, I'm Chan Lee.Before I knew eco-generation, I worked for 350.org.On December, an email was sent from Erika.At first, I didn't know who she is.However, I read the mail.The email said 'join offline greeting'.I was so happy that I can take green activityand I joing the street campaign.After the street campaign I typed an essay about the campaignAnd then I can be an ambassador I think (of course it was hard to be).I want to join TUNZA before I graduate middle school.I will work hard for E-gen.Thank you for reading.(Whi-moon middle school, South Korea) 
The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Mongolia, Jun-woo Kim
Hi all 6th e-gen Ambassadors ~I am Jun Woo but you can call me Paul.I am Ambassador representing Mongolia region.I am honered to be a 6th Ambassador and hope to successfully fulfill my duty.I hope our efforts would contribute to the steps to better earth.Cheers !  
The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Maldives, Minah Kim
Hey, the picture above is from the 2011 Eco-Generation Offline CampaignAs usual, we tried out best to spread our message and cause to the passerbys of ItaewonAnyway, it's been about a year now that I've become an ambassador for Eco-generation. I enjoy doing eco-generation activities, for searching up articles to post online has further provided me with a depth of interest in environmental affairs.I have always chosen the Maldives as the country to represent for I have great respect for its ambitious carbon-neutral plan. If sea levels rise even a meter, then the Madlives will no longer be habitable by its people. Thus, they are trying their utmost to overcome their impending crisis and have my support 100%.I look foward to another eventful year.

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Paju, Korea, Ji-yun Choy
Hello everyone~
This is ambassador of Paju,Korea.
My name is Jiyoon Choy, and I am junior in Sungshin Girls'
HIgh school.
It is my pleasure to serve as the 6th ambassador of Eco-
generation. ^^
I will try my best to work as regional ambassador, and I
will show my respect to the earth.

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Greenland, Bora Nam
Hi! I'm Bora, Nam and I'm a new E-gen ambassador of Greenland.
I went to street campaign this winter in Seoul.
It was not only challenge for me to participate in such and unfamiliar event, but also fantastic experience to just be there.
People promoted e-gen and I was able to see other people devoted themselves to environment.
These made me challenge 6th Ambassador and gave me the opportunity to inform you guys of Greenland's environment.
However, since I'm a high school senior now, I'm not able to participate in offline events. =(
But I ensure next 6 months with you will be very exciting!! See Ya!


The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Nepal, Alok Bastakoti
Hi everyone,
Firstly, I would like to thank Eco-generation for giving me another chance of being an ambassador. Even though I was not regular with my articles due to power cut problem,
I appreciate Eco-generation for considering it.
I would like to congratulate all of my fellow ambassador friends.
I hope we all can come together with a plan
to work for controlling the environmental degradation
and also in making more children aware about Eco-generation.
Thank you, Eco-generation and fighting chingu!!!

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Gumi, Korea, Jihye Kim
I am Jihye Kim, the 6th regional ambassador of Gumi, ROK.
I'm currently a senior in Goyang foreign language high
school. It is a pleasure to serve in such a position,
and I will make sure that I do my best.
Guys, we should be the generation to make this world green
and clean. So let's try hard together.
Thank you^^.

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Seoul, Korea, Yeokyoung Yoo
Dear fellow ambassadors!
My name is Yeokyoung Yoo, first grader from SeHwa Girl's Middle school.
Welcome to E-gen. I've had a fabulous time as an eco-ambassador and I hope you will have the same experience as I was.
I hope we will make e-gen a more active community this term. Thank you very much and look forward to seeing you someday!


The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Netherland, Hyong S. Kim
Hey all,
Hello, my name is Hyong S. Kim 
and I am currently an 11th grader at Seoul Foreign School.
It is indeed my honor to work with you all as a member of 6th Eco-Generation Ambassadors.
Netherlands is my place of birth as well as where I spent most of my childhood,
and I naturally have a particular affection of its people and nature.
During my term, I will try my very best to inform others of Netherlands' role as wings
of innovation in today's environmentalism movement.
I wish to make many new friends here-and hope to have a great year together!
Thank you very much.
Hyong S. Kim


The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Vietnam, Hoang Cao Phuon Thao
Hello everyone, my name is Thao Hoang.
Im currently in grade 10 at Hanoi-Amsterdam high school in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Im very glad to be chosen as the 6th Eco-generation Ambassador to represent Vietnam.
This is such an honor for me. I'll try my best during my term.
I hope that we can make our best effort to conserve our environment.
Thank you:)

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Seoul, Korea, Young-joon Kim
Hello! I am Young Joon Kim in South Korea.
I hope to work with you guys well for this session.
I am planning to reduce carbon in the atmosphere so that we will have a better life for the future.
Thank You!

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to DMZ, Korea, A-young Keum
Hello~! I'm E-gen Ambassadors of DMZ, Korea, and senior in English major
of Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies.
It has been a year since I became an E-gen Ambassadors.
I would like to be closer with other ambassadors and hope to see you guys in the next offline
meeting, campaigning, and eating..
Well I'm the president of our school club 'DMZ eco explorers'
The club's main activity is explore the nature in DMZ area.
I love to take pictures there..
I will try harder this time as an ambassador than I did in previous term.

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Philippines, BamBam
Hello to all! Thank you for extending my term as Eco-Gen ambassador.
I also want to welcome all the new ambassadors and hope we can become friends.
We had a good start with 6th Eco Gen because we are celebrating World Water Day, Earth Hour,
Earth Day and World Environment Day! Let's go team!
I'm the one wearing Eco-Gen shirt in the middle!

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Daejeon, Korea, Sung-ju Han
Hi, I'm Sung Ju Han. I'm in 10th grade in Mannyon High School.
That picture is taken at Philipine last year.I'm happy to play a role in Eco-generation.
I have been interested in ecology, especially climate change.
I hope we can make efforts to preserve the environment together.

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Yanyai, China, Mary Choi
I am a high school student in Yantai. China.
I love to study Chinese. I am concerned about the environment in the world.
I hope to have a wonderful world!!!


The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Mexico, In-young Choi
Hello to all E-gen ambassadors!!
First of all, I would like to apologize for being late.
I am currently an 8th grader at Daewon International Middle School. I take great interest in making UCCs to promote awareness of environmental issues-I have participated in the E-gen UCC competition before, and I often post updates via creating videos for E-gen's youtube page.
I hope to work with all of you guys to promote environmental awareness during this term!!
Thank you.

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to the USA, Sangwoo Kim
Hello!! I am the delegate of U.S.A.
Sorry for being late... I had many things going on like transferring to another school. Again, sorry.
And for my picture, I have this weird expression on my face but I was trying not to laugh. (lol) My friend took the picture for me.
I was attending Chadwick International when I applied for Eco-Generation but now I transferred to Dae Myeong Middle School. I have met new people and I am excited that I can have more ties with amazing people! Let's have fun and produce some good works for our environment!

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Afghanistan, Zoey Kim
Hello!! I am the representative of Afghanistan.
For my picture, I look really weird with my uniform and I really don't look like myself... lol Like Jason, i was attending Chadwick International School in Songdo, but I transferred to Non-hyun Middle School. I am very excited be an E-gen Ambassadors. I am looking forward to take a role in this this eco-generation!!

The 6th Eco-generation Regional Ambassador to Busan, Korea, Jihee Moon
Hi guys! I'm really sorry for the late self-introduction. My computer was out of order for a month.
Since this time, I will be as possible as active. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself^^
My name is Moon ji hee and I'm 16 years old. I go to Busan International Middle school.
My hobby is listening to music and reading some books.
I want to be good friends with the other Regional Ambassadors.
Can I? I hope :) I apologize for late visit and introduction again,
and I wish to have great year with you guys!



Eco-generation, Environmental Network for Youth


  • says :
    Posted 24-12-2013 11:10

  • Lim Erika says :
    Good to meet yall! Great job!
    Posted 13-06-2011 10:47

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