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[World] Result - Zero-waste Lifestyle Event

by Eco Generation | 01-09-2021 15:45 Comments 5 Comments

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Dear Tunza Eco-generation members around the world,

We'd like to thank you all who have participated in this
zero-waste lifestyle event. I hope everyone had fun just like I did!

It was really hard for me to pick just three since
all the artworks are absolutely great. Whether you get
picked or not, the fact that you reduced your waste is commendable.

Now, the 3 most sincere artworks are...

-Rounok Jahan Khan (Bangladesh)

-Sandhya Adhikari (Nepal)

-Binita Suwal(Nepal)

Congratulation! For those who get selected, please send your address
(must include postal code!) and contact number to ecogeneration@samsung.com by September 8th.

Thank you again for your participation. Let's continue to protect our environment!

Eco Generation Team


  • Vivian Nabisere says :
    Congratulations to all winners
    Posted 06-09-2021 05:27

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Yay, happy me... Congratulations everyone and thanks to every participant for letting us know more alternatives. Thank you Eco Generation for organizing such events.
    Posted 03-09-2021 00:26

  • Bibash Dhakal says :
    Congratulations Sandhya and everyone!!!
    Posted 02-09-2021 13:42

  • Rounok Jahan Khan says :
    Happy me..:) Congratulations to my peers.
    Posted 02-09-2021 06:00

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