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[World] The 9th Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition

by Eco Generation | 03-05-2016 09:31 Comments 21 Comments

the 9th E-gen Essay Competition Banner

Samsung Engineering jointly with United Nations Environment Programme would like to launch "The 9th Eco-generation Environmental Essay Competition" inviting young people all over the world to raise awareness on the theme of the upcoming World Environment Day – The fight against illegal trade in wildlife. 

For detailed information, please go to E-gen Event > Monthly Event .


  • says :
    it's interesting topic!
    Posted 30-06-2016 22:32

  • says :
    Wild life is a treasure to our generation. stop the illegal trade
    Posted 23-06-2016 08:45

  • says :
    wow, i commend the intelligence of those that put up this topic, together we can all save our world from its dying heritage.
    Posted 20-06-2016 16:11

  • says :
    Gonna participate the contest... I hope at least my ideas could give better changes to wildlife.
    Posted 20-06-2016 02:16

  • says :
    how if i tell about animals from the ocean and the problems? like overfishing?
    or the animals just on the land?
    Posted 07-06-2016 15:56

  • says :
    I hope to participate in this great event too. This is a topic that needs most attention in India. Thanks to Tunza for organising such a great event !!
    Posted 02-06-2016 21:47

  • says :
    I hope to make a difference
    Posted 31-05-2016 04:49

  • says :
    An intriguing topic....guys lets engage together to see how we can end this menace robbing off our wildlife...
    Posted 30-05-2016 21:31

  • says :
    A great initiative! Looking forward to participate and lend in my views :-)
    Posted 20-05-2016 02:25

  • says :
    What a great theme

    Posted 17-05-2016 23:17

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Good luck for everyone, guys!
    Posted 17-05-2016 08:33

  • says :
    It is an interesting topic! I wanna take part in this event!
    Posted 15-05-2016 09:06

  • says :
    Amazing competition.
    Posted 14-05-2016 14:05

  • says :
    Illegal wildlife and trade is definitely an important issue the youth needs to work on. It really is an interesting topic!
    Posted 13-05-2016 15:08

  • says :
    This is an super interesting theme :) Though I couldn't participate directly in the essay due to age constraints, I would be wide spreading the opportunity so that more youths can participate :) Wishing all the best to participating mates :)
    Posted 12-05-2016 11:49

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Wildlife conservation is required to be taken seriously. Inspiring theme indeed.
    Posted 09-05-2016 19:53

  • says :
    Very wonderful topic, wildlife conservation is very crucial at these times.
    Posted 05-05-2016 00:53

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Indeed Amazing , Month of wildlife with Wildlife essay competition. Superb.
    Posted 03-05-2016 23:58

  • says :
    The most interesting event
    Posted 03-05-2016 20:17

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What an interesting and inspiring theme! Thanks! =D
    Posted 03-05-2016 11:28

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