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[World] Guide to application - 2017 Global Eco-Leaders Camp

by Eco Generation | 19-09-2016 17:33 Comments 34 Comments

2016 EYELC Guide to application 2

2016 EYELC Guide to application 3
2016 EYELC Guide to application 4
2016 EYELC Guide to application 5
2016 EYELC Guide to application 6
2016 EYELC Guide to application 7
2016 EYELC Guide to application 8
2016 EYELC Guide to application 9
2016 EYELC Guide to application 10
2016 EYELC Guide to application 11
2016 EYELC Guide to application 12
GELC guide to application 13
GELC guide to application 14

2016 EYELC Guide to application 16


  • Muskan Priya says :
    Great opportunity! :)
    Posted 02-08-2019 01:16

  • Towera Nyamuka says :
    Hie guys I'm from Malawi can I apply for this opportunity?
    Posted 30-07-2019 10:24

  • Yves SHEMA says :
    Thanks for this ipportunity again
    Posted 29-07-2019 01:13

  • says :
    Thank you, it is clear
    Posted 29-05-2018 21:42

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Guillermo, you may delete your first entry and apply again at My page.

    Posted 29-05-2018 15:48

  • says :
    This is the original video.
    Posted 29-05-2018 11:31

  • says :
    Hello, I uploaded the wrong video, how can I change it?
    Posted 29-05-2018 10:51

  • says :
    Hello everybody, I uploaded the wrong video, how can I change it?
    Posted 29-05-2018 10:49

  • Ameer Kajee says :
    Awesome opportunity, just wish there was more info on the 'points'!

    Posted 28-05-2018 07:42

  • says :
    I am 25 and I want to apply as a facilitator, is there any education requirement.
    Posted 10-05-2018 09:21

  • says :
    When will the list of shortlisted candidates be released?
    Posted 30-11-2016 23:17

  • says :
    @Eco generation, i had some doubts regarding my essay submission and happened to submit the same essay twice. Hope that does not affect my entry :)
    Posted 21-11-2016 19:14

  • Ishitwa Chandra says :
    When is the supposed date for the result to come out?
    Posted 14-11-2016 18:38

  • says :
    @Eco Generation i dont receive any confirmation about my submission, is it already received? and will i get any emails about the further announcement ?
    Posted 14-11-2016 12:30

  • says :
    Such a nice opportunity. best luck to everyone! and huge thanks to Tunza Eco Generation Team! <3
    Posted 14-11-2016 05:05

  • says :
    @Eco Generation Hi I was wondering if you have received my application? Thanks :D

    Posted 14-11-2016 03:21

  • prayash pathak says :
    A very good opportunity for everyone.
    Posted 14-11-2016 00:29

  • Ananya Singh says :
    was my application submitted?
    Posted 13-11-2016 01:08

  • says :
    Thanks for the in depth explanation!

    Posted 10-11-2016 17:10

  • says :
    Thanks for the info
    Posted 10-11-2016 13:31

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @JUO, we're happy to get your application! Submission succeeded! :)
    Posted 10-11-2016 10:15

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Myrzaiym Talantbek kyzy, it's curriculum vitae! :)
    Posted 10-11-2016 10:14

  • says :
    CV file what is this??

    Posted 10-11-2016 00:12

  • says :
    Hi there, I have created and account and did everything as suggested but its stated tat the system has failed once i clicked the submit button after filling all sections. May I know what to do now?? I had sent an email to ecogeneration@samsung.com as suggested. I hope they would deal with the system failure fast so that the other applicants submissions would not be interrupted before the deadline.
    Posted 09-11-2016 09:04

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Guys, please refer to the notice thoroughly. It seems that the answeres were written there.

    Notice: [Worldwide] Call for Applications : 2017 Global Eco-Leaders Camp
    Posted 07-11-2016 14:48

  • says :
    Do the leaders of Ukraine?
    Posted 04-11-2016 18:53

  • says :
    Can I Apply for this Leadership Camp ?
    I'm from Nigeria, if yes please Direct me .

    Posted 26-10-2016 21:43

  • says :
    What does it mean by youtube link? and do we really need to submit that?
    Posted 26-10-2016 15:57

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    @Pherly In this case, yes. But events for other countries will open country by country.
    Stay tuned in our announcements :D
    Posted 30-09-2016 20:04

  • Pherly Grace Bungao says :
    Hello, May I ask, is this only limited for those who are in Thailand? :) Nice opportunity :)
    Posted 30-09-2016 00:11

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Excellent opportunity for members of this elite forum. Please do grab this once a lifetime chance. Thanks Tunza Eco-gen Team for the same.
    Posted 20-09-2016 19:00

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