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[World] Monthly Event for February 2018

by Eco Generation | 01-02-2018 17:15 Comments 4 Comments

Monthly Event for Feb - My resolutions for 2018

Dear all,

In appreciation of members who participated in the January's monthly event, we could set the theme of the year 2018 as Youth - changemakers bringing us a resilient future.

Because the owners of our platform are the youth around the world, we want to gather and share our 2018 resolutions to protect our planet Earth...

Please read our theme of the year 2018 and set your own resolution to realize our theme in each place.

We'll share our resolutions and turn back our February at the end of this year!

Any types of resolutions are welcomed!!

Please join us to share your 2018 resolutions to protect the environment by February 25.

Please click HERE to submit your resolution.


All the best,

Eco-generation team


  • says :
    Electronic gadgets pose a big threat to the environment. To combat this, we should use these gadgets sparingly and also till the end of life of these gadgets. SO my 2018, resolution is to create awareness about this and to educate people about the harm of changing gadgets frequently without any absolute necessity. If a phone can work for 5 years, we should use for 5 years and not change or upgrade to a new model before the life expiry of the phone. I will practice this as well as create awareness and about this. This is my 2018 resolution.
    Posted 18-02-2018 20:26

  • Lalit bc says :
    okay lets make our own resolutions for year 2k18 to save our home earth :)
    Posted 08-02-2018 02:16

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Its great. We must make resolutions to protect the environment.
    Posted 06-02-2018 01:54

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