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Top 50 Sub-Continents and Countries in July 2019

by Eco Generation | 02-08-2019 15:29 Comments 9 Comments

Top 50 Sub-Continents and Countries in July 2019


Dear TUNZA Eco-Generation Members and Visitors,






Eco-Generation wishes all of you good luck this month.



Let's always remember to stay hydrated to keep healthy from the hot weather!


And.. without further ado, let's get right to our Top 50 Sub-Continents and Countries for the month of July!!




Again, we've come up with which sub-continent and country our platform users are from.



We've noticed some differences in some of the regions, and marked them in blue. Congrats guys :)



Also, there were new countries that were added to the list: Haiti, Botswana, Congo, Turkey, Algeria, Italy, Liberia, Morocco, and Plaestine. Welcome guys :)


We appreciate all of your visits to TUNZA Eco-Generation to take action in understanding and preserving our environment. 




Top 50 Sub-Continents and Countries in July 2019


Please share with us which sub-continent/country you guys are from and let us know about it in the comment box below :)






  • Mudy Mussa says :
    Wow Im glad to see my country Tanzania rising.. I'll do my level best to add more of my people because we need everybody on the board to fight for Environment.
    Posted 13-08-2019 15:11

  • Harshdev Punera says :
    Glad to see South Asia and India on the Top. I really like this concept of ranking countries as well as continents.
    Posted 12-08-2019 06:24

  • Viraaj Kulshreshtha says :
    Hello team,
    Great to see my sub-continent and the country.
    Pleasure to see newer countries marking their presence
    Posted 07-08-2019 16:56

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Wow! It??s great to know!
    Welcome all the new Eco lovers!
    Yay! HappyAugust

    Posted 06-08-2019 15:54

Vazira Ikhtiyorova

  • Vazira Ikhtiyorova says :
    Hey Tunza!
    Thank you for adding Uzbekistan!

    Posted 03-08-2019 12:41

  • Fayaz Muhammad says :
    Iam from pakisatn, thanks for adding new countries, this is best way of clean and green movement. Keep it up...
    Posted 02-08-2019 23:18

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Glad to see members from new countries and Nepal still being among the top countries.
    Green Cheers :)
    Hope to see many more countries added to the list in this month too.
    Posted 02-08-2019 20:46

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey Tunza!

    I see that's there are new countries on the list! This is great! Welcome guys and well done on the countries moving up the list!
    Posted 02-08-2019 16:41

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